Plastic card - The WAIT is not over !!!


Registered Users (C)
AD: 8/18/2003
Plastic card : Waiting

When I went for stamping I was told it takes 1 - 1.5 years to get it.

The stamping is valid for 1 year. Had to go at 2 a.m and stand in queue for stamping. Don't want to do it again next year so hoping to get PC soon....

Would like to hear from people who are still waiting for their PC.

All the best to everyone waiting for approval.!!
Thanks mohanakrishna! That is really nice to hear.
I was so frustrated when they said I have to wait another year.
Typically within 3 months...

For my dad they seems to have lost his card. He recently received his card after 2 and a half years!!!

Good luck!
Come on, my friend.

Please don't complain about the plastic card. People are waiting for their I-485 approvals endlessly. I don't care about the plastic card, I don't care about waiting in long line for hours, and I don't care about anything else, just appove the damn I-485.

By the way, once you have your passport stamped. You are NOT out of status even the stamp expires.
king1999, I totally agree with you. It's just that you think once you're approved the wait is over but when I heard from the officers that I need to wait again for the card I was so irritated.

But yes you are right. This wait is nothing compared to the approval wait.

Question: Does anyone know who mails the card the local office or TSC.
tombaan, Please read all messages before posting. I guess you haven't read what I wrote to King.

I'm NOT complaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted people to be aware that even after approval there is a wait. See the subject of my post.

But thanks to Mohanakrishna and nhusain we now know that it just takes 3 weeks to 3 months to get the card and it comes from TSC itself.

I'm sure once anyone is approved they will have the same questions that I had.

By the way the people who're newly filing their 485 can say they same to you when you've crossed the 6 month barrier. But nobody says that because they know that people post in this forum when they are tired of waiting.

I understand when King wrote asking me to stop complaining. But when i've replied to him in a understanding way. It's really bad to see more people writing the same thing.

I guess once a person is approved he should stop further updating in this forum.
keep posting

Dont worry I am with you, you keep posting your experiences, people with frustration can talk like that. but you keep it going, cheer up