Plastic card order question!


Registered Users (C)
Does online status get updated when the plastic card is ordered following stamping?

How long has it usually taken for them to update the online status regarding card ordering?

I understand that these days people are getting their cards in about two months following stamping.

Thanks in advance!
the message does change

the message says "cards ordered on date after approving application"

it takes anywhere from 3-12 weeks or more from stamping date to message change and about a week after that to receive your card.
I agree with AnotherGCApplic....takes about 2 months for the message to change, and about a week after the card ordered date for the card to reach your doorstep.

Here is what I observed for my case....The card is physically mailed out 3 business days after the card ordered date (as was evident from the post mark date on the GC mailer). After that it usually takes 2-3 business days for you to actually get the card in the mail. I think most first class mail takes 2-3 business days to go from point A to point B within the 48 US States !

And Contrary to popular belief here, the card arrives in first class mail, and it does not say DO NOT FORWARD or return service requested. So the USPS should by default forward this mail to your forwarding address if you have one on file with the USPS !
Plastic card/s

While my son(under 14) got his card in 3 days of stamping, and my wife(derivative) has got hers in 2 months and I am still waiting to change the online status to "card ordered".

RD: Nov. 01
ND: Dec. 01
FP : Feb.02
Stamping: May 23, 03
Plastic Card: Waiting

So it can take anywhere between three weeks to upwards of two months.

I don't think there's any method or regular order to this process. Seems endemic of everything else we've seen with INS/BCIS: Random chaos!
