Plastic card (NSC)


Registered Users (C)
Would like to know how long it is generally taking these days to get the plastic card once the case has been approved for Permanent Residence by NSC and stamped locally.

Would appreciate to hear any experiences. Thanks.
boggavarapu said:
Would like to know how long it is generally taking these days to get the plastic card once the case has been approved for Permanent Residence by NSC and stamped locally.

Would appreciate to hear any experiences. Thanks.

We got PP stamping on 29th July and till now no info about cards.
We called and made an enquiry 2 wks ago.
I got stamped in August 1st week at Chicago. Got my card approved around Oct'12. A little over 60 days to get card after PP stamping.
ok we got our pps stamped in nov 03, my wife got the card this summer, my son and i are still in limbo. bottomline, everything in this gc process is involved with luck and randomness. there is not much of a reasoning or pattern i can think of other than getting angry and frustrated.
hcgcwait said:
ok we got our pps stamped in nov 03, my wife got the card this summer, my son and i are still in limbo. bottomline, everything in this gc process is involved with luck and randomness. there is not much of a reasoning or pattern i can think of other than getting angry and frustrated.

So now you want to go for you and your son to revalidate
When we went for stamping they told us if card does not come
before expiration we can go for revalidation
Good luck
call uscis if you wait more than 60 days

Here is USCIS note for all of you who did not get the card after more than 60 days after approval:

"If you were granted permanent resident status or entered the U.S. with an immigrant visa more than 60 days ago and have not received your first permanent resident card, please call 1-800-375-5283"