Plastic card In Massachusettes


Registered Users (C)
Yesterday when I went to the INS office in Boston to get my passport stamped, I was told to expect the plastic card in a years time.
Is this a reasonable assumption on how long it takes.
If any one who has been stamped recently in boston and received the plastic card please respond to this thread with your dates. that will be highly appretiated.
RD: 11/06/2001
ND: 12/06/2001
FP: 02/13/2002
AD: 04/31/2003
PP stamping: 05/22/2003
Plastic card: ?????????

did u go with original aprroval notice ?

i did not recieved mine yet can I go for stamping at Boston with
courtesy copy ?

How long it take ?

I am Planning to go for stamping next week at boston

We went to boston office for stamping on 04.24.03. For us also they told card will come in 1 year. Till date our meassage is not changed to card ordered. It still says " approved on ..........". I don't know. May be they are right. we will get card in one year.
Any News?

Hi, everybody,

Is there any news with you guys stamping in boston and waiting for the plastic card?

I stamped in boston on 5/28/03 and online msg not change yet.

Let's keep on tracking!
My wife and I had our passports stamped in Philadelphia on 4/17. We were told to expect the card in 9months to a year. However, within 12 days the online message changed to cards ordered and within a month we got the cards(5/23/03 to be exact) i don't think the timeline depends on the local offices because my cards arrived from the vermont service center.


Thanks for your replying. Hope you are right. The strange thing is at different INS local office, you got different answers. Anyway, it's not a very big deal, just wish this GC journey could be totally end as soon as possible.