plastic card for pp stamped at nyc on nov2002

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PP stamped on 11/6 at Newark. No card ordered yet, however my wife's status changed to "Card ordered" on Dec 13.

May be they don't have enogh plastic to make my card. :D :D
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I havent seen a single "card ordered" post from 12/12. I am afraid to say that INS has put on hold issueing of plastic card as part of ongoing freeze. INS will conduct new security check before issuing any new plastic card. I hope I am wrong.
Stamped on 11/7 @ Newark

My status still says case approved on bla,bla. But my wife's case status changed to card ordered on 12/11/02. I don't know whats going on.
After pp stamp moved to diff state and called INS to change the address. Is this a problem delaying to get the card
Got cards in 3 weeks


I do not think they stopped issuing the cards.

My Passport got stamped in Charlotte, NC on 11/26 and I received the card on 12/16. Mine is TSC case.

good luck..