Planning to use AC21...Need Help!


Registered Users (C)
Happy New Year to All...Let us hope this year ushers in the elusive GC to all of us!

I am in a very unique situation and would like to get some feedback.

I was with Co. A and my LC and I-140 was cleared and before they filed my I-485 I quit and joined Co. B. After 2+ years my LC was not going anywhere with Co.B, hence decided to go back to Co. A and filed for I-485.

I want to go back to Co. B after completion of 180 days. Is this acceptable and will there be any issues?

Secondly when they say 180 days...when does the clock start ticking...does it start from the RD/ND and/or is it like 180 business days...or 180 normal days...these are questions which have been bugging me and I would appreciate any details.

Thanks in advance,



PD - 02/11/01
I-140 Appvd - 10/16/01

R/D - 08/17/04
N/D - 08/17/04
you can go back to company B after 180 days.. make sure job title and desc are same or similar. ask for EVL from company B and send it to CIS along with pay stubs. check the sticky thread for details and format.

you can use Ac21 after 180 days (calendar days) from the ND not business days
Thx for the clarification


Thanks for the clarification on the 180 days issue.

Do I need to talk with my Co. A attorney before i make the switch and get his opinion. Or is it ok to switch to Attorneys Rajiv Khanna or Murthy, because of thier comfort with handling these kinds of cases.

Co. B is fine in providing any type of EVL that may be required.

Thanks again.


why do you want to talk to Comp A Attorney. You don' t need a attorney to use Ac21. you can do i tyour self.

make sure you have I485 receipt and if you hire a new attorney then you need to send a G28 form to CIS informing that you are no longer with the Comp A attorney otherwise the I485 approval notices will go to him even though you will get courtsey copy of the approval