Planning to Apply by EB1-A


New Member
Do I stand a chance??

I am preparing my EB1-EA petition (self). My credentials are:
PhD from one of the Top 10 US university
2 MS from a 3rd ranked institute according to the Times London (Educational Supplement in 2005)
2 professional memberships
1 Fellowship award, India
1 Member of a Technical Committee of an internationally circulated journal
2 first author paper (15 citations)
1 Second author paper (41 citations)
1 fifth author paper (8 citations)
1 Manuscript under prep (just for resume)
11 Poster presentations (National and International) with published abstracts
Currently working for a state government under H1b visa, and work in a much talked about topic today

Any suggestion whether I can go for PP. I am also thinking concurrent filing.
what are the catagories do you want to claim, you may just fall of one; make sure that you prepare your petition well to take the chances
Maybe NIW suits you better.
For eb1a, you need to be strong at the following claims:
1. Awards; 2. memberships; 3. significant contribution; 4. authorship; 5. review or judge of other's work; 6. media report, etc.
If you wrap up your credential like what you described, your chance to eb1a is slim: the eb1a's requirements for the claims are high. It usually is hard for us to claim the first two unless you have some very unusual awards/memberships. You may not have enough papers to claim the authorship, which will also affect your contribution to the field. You didn't review or judge other's work by reviewing papers for journals/conferences or organizing conferences. For the media report, you didn't mention at all.
My suggestion: either hire a lawyer or study the criteria very carefully before you move on. It took me a year or so to really understand the requirements (the game rules).
I agree with llp1. The credentials as posted seem a little less to claim significant contributions to the field. Ofcourse, if you get a very experienced attorney and exceptional letters, may be you can put a spin on it. But, in the end it is 50-50 with everyones case. You may be be in the lucky 50% probability!
Your case is not strong enough for EB1A as others suggested. It is better to take advice from good attorney. But we never know, if u r lucky!!!
Good luck.

I agree with llp1. The credentials as posted seem a little less to claim significant contributions to the field. Ofcourse, if you get a very experienced attorney and exceptional letters, may be you can put a spin on it. But, in the end it is 50-50 with everyones case. You may be be in the lucky 50% probability!
i got my eb1-ea from dancing, with anything with ART u need GOOOD rec. letters. and an attorney that knows about dealing with artist! thats key!

good luck
Thank you all for your comments and opinions. As advised, I am going to see an attorney and to check if I have any chance with EB2-NIW now. Also I will consult him if EB1-EA is a possibility. But wondering if I should go for an EB2-NIW instead. I have still 3.5 yrs on my H1B. Also do you think I should change the job to a private company and still I can apply for EB2-NIW? That will open up one opportunity atleast that may be they start processing GC after 1 year from now. I guess there is no harm in parallel processing. what do you suggest?

I thank you all to help me open my eyes.

To answer some of the previous points:
1. I have reviewed some journal articles but for my professor which at this moment is very hard to prove (meaningless)
2. I was wondering if I can use the following
significant contribution (from references and citations); authorship (since they have very wide circulation around the world, and also cited in good journal articles), showcasing work in the professional field (through conference presentations, and posters, and proceedings).

thanks for your candid replies.
best regards
The true fact is your case is weak for EB1-EA. Sorry to disappoint you. but that is the fact.

the following have no impact on your application
PhD from one of the Top 10 US university
2 MS from a 3rd ranked institute according to the Times London (Educational Supplement in 2005)
2 professional memberships
1 Fellowship award, India
1 Member of a Technical Committee of an internationally circulated journal

When u r in research every one is a Ph.D.
The prof. membership are paid one. that does not count.
If it is a CSIR/GATE like award it will not add much impact.

Your citations not bad. but they are not excellent either. u have 4 papers and 11 abstract/presentation. This fine.
but for EB1 u have to be well established in your field.
Here some people with nature and science get RFE. The IO does not know about your field.
It is the attorney who can make the difference. If u can wait, then increase your publication list get support letters from 8-10 people and apply for EB1.

EB2-NIW may b worth depending on your area of research. first apply for EB2-NIW and may be in a year u can apply for EB1- at which time u may have much better CV.
Good luck.
NIW is a self-petition, meaning you don't need any sponsorship. For eb1a and niw, you don't need to even have a job (theoretically).
Reviewing papers for anyone else doesn't count, even if your professor can write a letter to prove that. For the criterion of review and judge of other's work, you need to show that you are really a judge/reviewer for other's work (you may need to gather letters from journal editors, and your support letters should comment on your reviewing, etc.).
For significant contributions, yes, you need reference letters and citations of course. You also need detailed comments from your references. For eb1a, the independent references weigh more than the people in your loop. You need to have people outside your network to appraise your contributions. For the authorship, yes, the circulation and citation also count. You could emphasize the quality of the journal and your paper, but you need the comments from your references. In another word, they need solid evidence. To my understanding, the showcase criterion is reserved for art exhibits, not for researchers like us. Don't put much hope for that, I suggest.
It's good that you still have years on your H1B. Now you know the criteria, you can start to gather the evidence now: get to review some papers, write papers, organizing special sessions in conferences, get to be invited to other schools for seminar talks, meet and talk with potential references in conferences, etc. You will be in a much better shape one or two years later. Otherwise, of course, try NIW.
I agree with others, your case looks a little weak. Also remember a key thing in getting EB1A approved is by establishing national & international acclaim. This can be done by very strong letters from independent experts from different countries, showing invitation by independent experts/organizations/publishers (international level) to write articles, reviews, books etc.
Also, just mere citations of your publication is not enough. You have to show that your work is specifically discussed/mentioned/followed by others.
Hope this helps.