Pl. share your stamping experience


Registered Users (C)
I am waiting for my approval doc to arrive by mail.

if any of you guys belong to San Jose but had stamping experience in SF pl post your experience here on where to go and other details.

Appreciate your response.

Thanks in advance
Stamped at SF

On March 28, got to SF-INS at 8:00 am. I work in downtown SF and I regularly commute by bus (hence, no parking tips from me).
Got my 2 ADIT photos taken right across the street from the 630 Sansome entrance and this took 10 minutes.
Walked into 630 Sansome entrance at 8:15 and showed approval document and ID and was let through to 2nd floor after security check. Security were courteous.
Put approval form into the slot at door of Room 2003B.
Waited for about 25 minutes by Window 18/19 until my name was called. Gave passport, AP, EAD to the gentleman that called me. He also took fingerprints.
Waited for another 15 minutes until the same gentleman called me with passport and he showed me the stamp and explained that the Plastic Card will arrive via mail in 2 months.
Out of the building by 8:55 am.
Good luck.