Pl. give your opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a tough issue and the answer is very individual.
Unless you come from an extremely messed up country, living in your home country is better. You have all your friends and relatives there, etc.

However, if you follow your dream and you firmly set your spirit to conquer all the obstacles and challenges associated with migrating to another country, this country is not too bad.
What we're experiencing now is a period of turmoil/disturbance.
Nobody knows what the outcome will be - better or worse economy? Safe or more dangerous? Who knows?

What you're describing are common things faced by struggling immigrants. Socio-culture issues are always the biggest problem.

A meditation may help you clear the confusion :)
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whatever happens

Like you I too haven't gone back ever since I came here (4 years). To be honest, it would be nice if I could get my GC without any problems but if not then I am not one of those people who would regard that as the world coming to an end. There are positive and negative aspects to both angles so finally it comes to personal choice...nobody's putting a gun to your head (except INS of course).
You should go back to India

Looks like you can't handle stress and need moral support all the time.

Your relatives don't know anything about you mental state. In fact they are your enemies. They want you yield to the stress and break apart. I think you should cut your losses by saving every bit of your health and get the hell out of America.
Piscataway, NJ company on run.

Guys, An indian from Punjab came here 13 years ago on visit visa like America so much so he decided to liev here. He found an innocent America girl got married after getting Green card kick her ass. He worked part time or odds jobs till he gets his US desi indian. I late 90's when everyone was talking about h1b and IT this punjabi indian also smell dollar and started to open up an IT consulting firm. Without knowing the ABC of an IT he hired a smart American graduate to promote his business offered him good salary and incentives called innocent Indians from India on h1b and suck their blood one at a time. That was the time when you do not even have to know how to turn the computer but you were working as a QA Tester for companies like AT&T, LUCENT, IBM, J&J, Prudentical, ADP and many more. In 4-5 years this indian man make over a million by sucking blood from h-1b, commting frauds build a house and buy 3 expensive cars. This so called President does not know shit about business ethics and always worked in his own company as a backend. Becasue front end was that smart American graduate who was running the show. Now theat person left and this so called President is playing games with innocent h-1b only 3 left. This fraud company is being audited by DOL once and now soon you will see him being audited again please read your newspaper for more information about this employer. He is a cheater, lier and nothing but fraud. Now he even moved to an un-disclosed location with POBox mailing address and home address to run the 3 man show. Please do not play with your future and do not trust him when it comes to your future. He is soon closing his business and leaving all 3 of you in the middle of desert so please wake up fellows. Those of you do not know me just read and research what I said. Company was in Piscataway, NJ. May God bless you all.
This is a decission you have to make for yourself.

In our case, we (my husband & I) tried going back to India (for good) a couple of times. In both instances we ended up coming back within 6 months. We have no immediate plans of going back.

To me it was little things like difficulty in getting a telephone connection, finding a place to live, loosing the skills to drive in bangalore traffic...... made me come back (nothing compelling).

Is it worth?? - May be not....we don't know because our decision was not really based on pros vs. cons....we are open to both options (going back/staying here).

The fact that we have the choice of going back to India (whenever we are ready) made the decision making easy for us.
sorry guys, I deleted everything I wrote as some guys had started bashing me up. So, just avoid this thread.
Originally posted by 485GCCase
sorry guys, I deleted everything I wrote as some guys had started bashing me up. So, just avoid this thread.

You can just hit the delete button on the top of the thread and the entire thread will go away.