PIO application form question


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Hi all,
I am gathering information to apply for the PIO visa for my wife. I am a naturalized US citizen and used to hold an Indian passport until naturalization. My wife has no ancestral connection to India on her own. She is applying based on her marriage to me (a former Indian citizen).

Here are my questions from the PIO application form,

-- Number 7 asks for "Address in India (verifiable)" - she has not been to India (we are applying for the visa now), should this be marked as "not-applicable"?

-- Number 17 asks for "Name & complete addresses of two persons known to the applicant" - as with number 7, she has not been to India yet and facts are the same as above. Should this be marked as "not-applicable" as well?

Thanks a lot for your kind help.

Since she is qualifying on your behalf.You can put in your relatives information there.

Thanks, dckaraja. But the form asks for the information about the "applicant" and I am not the applicant. Will this still work?

I understand but your relative arr now related to her as well in some ways now ?As long as they can verify her realtion with you.There should be no issue.
Hi dckaraja, Thanks for the clarification. Now, onto the next question.

I have not found a comprehensive list of documents for submission with PIO application. I am thinking of submitting the following.

-- Photocopy of my US passport, notarized.
-- Photocopy of my old Indian passport, notarized.
-- Photocopy of my wife's passport, notarized.
-- Photocopy of our marriage certificate.
-- Completed forms with photograph in duplicate.

Does the above list cover the case while applying for my wife's PIO visa based on her marriage to me?

Thanks again for your kind help.

I am in a somewhat similar situation. I am an Indian citizen and my wife is a U.S. citizen with no prior connection to India. We applied to the Consulate by mail and they returned the application as well as the fee, apparently because we were not married for one year. However, the only reason provided was "You are not eligible for the PIO Card". Make sure it has been one calendar year since your marriage on the date of the application. Many Indian Consulate Web sites fail to mention this fundamental eligibility requirement for a non-Indian spouse of a PIO. In addition to what you have already obtained for the packet, I have read it might be wise to include:

1. A notarized affidavit signed by you and your wife stating the date of solemnization of marriage and the fact that you have been living together as husband and wife since that date.
2. A copy of both driver's licenses showing the same address or a copy of a residential utility bill (or anything else to undeniably prove current U.S. residence on application form).
3. One picture pasted on each application and any additional pictures required per your jurisdictional Consulate's instructions.
4. A notarized or certified copy of the marriage license/certificate.

Dckaraja is also correct about the verifiable address in India as well as the names and addresses of two known persons in India. They can be your relatives (or friends or anyone whom the Consulate or authorities in India can contact). If they are known to you, they are known to your wife. For the address in India we put in my parents' current Indian address. For the two known persons we put in my father's and mother's names and addresses. We will submit the application and fee once again after the one year has passed.

Good luck.
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In addition to the pictures affixed on the OCI application forms (in Duplicate), do you need ADDITIONAL pictures to be sent?