Pictures so expansive


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys, my lawyer asked me for 8 pictures each person (including 485, AP, EAD...). I checked with Kinko; since they use instant film, they have to shoot 4 times each person, each shot cost $12. Adding together, it\'s $48/person. For a three members in my family, it\'s $144. Besides money, it\'s quite anoying sitting there taking picture after picture.

Is there any way that I can take picture once and print 8 times? Could you suggest a good place to go in Philadelphia area? thanks.
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you can go to CVS. For $6.99 you can get 16 passport pictures. You have to find a good technician there to take a picture.
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I took photos from a photoshop ,On Rt.1 south (New Jersey) vick plaza . He charges $10 for 4 copies and the quality is very good
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Simply go to your local Sears photo studio and they will do it the same way - but very quickly and it\'s a lot lower in cost than $48/head.

By the way, if your company is processing your GC, then you should be able to expense these photographs. Worst case, it\'s a tax writeoff.
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In Phildelphia, you can take pictures outside the INS on the 16 street. I took 8 pictures for 20 $. But you have to negotiate with the people there. There are three trucks outside INS. GO and ask all of them. Use one against the other.
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You have to get the INS and this whole GC bullshit out of your hair.

To do that you have to shell out some mullah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What\'s the point of cribbing?

You got to do what yoy got to do.
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I guess you are right. This fat miser does not
want to spend money and wants GC. Who told him
to apply for GC. Go back and be free dude.
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scan them! how about take once per person and scan the pictures into your computer and print them out using photo quality papers?? i do not know if this works or is accepted by INS, but worth a try to save $100+ in your case. if your printouts look good enough then the INS should not complain -- they might not even notice the difference...

good luck

from your fellow computer geek with insomia tonight
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While some of us here are willing to pay anything to get our GC, you are worried about spending a few dollars for a photo and get it over with? why don\'t you go to INS, show your pretty face and ask them to take free pictures.

Your penny pinching will not take you too far. you not only want the cake but eat it too and now you want the Bakery? get a life man!!

Have you ever thought of getting your GC asap, once that headache is over getting on with your life, maybe you could earn a million $$$ in the near future...

If you want to pay peanuts, you will get only monkies.
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I do\'nt think photographs are big
problems, when people are desperately
waiting for years and paying their lawyers
in thousands to get their green card.

Why do you worry on these petty things?
I guess you can afford that much.
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a penny saved is a penny earned... if you have plenty of time to prepare these items in advance, why not save some money where you can??? how many of you still remember how little cash you carried with you when you first landed in USA years ago?

by all means if your i-485 is ready to file just waiting for these pictures then take them ASAP at any price tag -- because speed is worth 1000+ times of the money spent on the pictures.

best of luck and hope you all still remember the hard times long after you realize your GC and the great American dream.
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A penny saved until
you toil to the death.
Save it, do\'nt spend it
til death apart.
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value system is important. don\'t you agree moeny is better spent in building your own business, improving your quality of life, and for your family and friends including those whom you might have left behind in your home country instead of wasting money on overpriced items without a worthy cause?

this is a free country, the original poster asked a question for help and i believe he/she is entitled to be respected. but some people are simply passing judgement on his priorities. the discussion boards are setup for us to help and support each other. i understand the pain caused by the INS, but uncivilized comments or bitterness among us contribute nothing to our wellbeing. maybe i am not as angry as some of you because my case has been approved for several months, so let me say what we need is -- add insight (not insult) to injury.

good luck to you all in whatever you do.
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By the way, if you call him ahead of time and give an idea of your large order, he might give you a discount.
I got 10 photos for me & my wife (20 in all) for $50.
The guy is Korean and is a professional photographer. Also, the quality of the photos is much much superior to the instant ones.

Hope that was helpful.
