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photo with open mouth


Registered Users (C)
I have been trying to take a picture of my 8 months old son for DV-2011 I have trying it since last month.And among those uncountable photos , only one seems to be perfect , with him facing straight at the camera , looking directly,head not tilted. Both ears visible and neutral background. Everything matches .
But he has his mouth open. Apart from his mouth being open it is a perfect photo. Do you all think that the photo might get us disqualified ? Or should i try for some more days to get another perfect photo.

Thanks in advance.
You should try , but i think it will not get you disqualified. Why don't you try the passport picture, you can scan it.
i have not yet applied for my son's passport. According to the instructions , neutral face means mouth closed . But how do i convince my 8 month old son (who doesnot even know how to speak) to keep his mouth closed while i am taking his picture for DV?