Phoenix N400 Timeline


Registered Users (C)
Can we start this thread by sharing application progress, interview experience and so on for Phoenix district.
That would be good. My timeline is:

PD: 9/8/06
FP: 9/29/06
Online status disappeared: 1/22/07
IL received: 1/26/07 (letter notice date 1/20/07)
ID: 3/6/07
I am going for an infopass at Phoenix office next week to try to find out if my name chack is cleared or not. I will post after that to share what I hear from IO.
FP in June 2006, No IL yet

I've doen IndoPass. The lady was chewing gum and didn't know anything! The only thing she can say is "It's less than a year, everything in a year is normal". Regarding name check, her answer was "It's possible that can take time".
Has anyone in Phoenix contacted John McCain or Jon Kyl's office?
Thanks for your input of imformation.

If your PD is before 6/15/2006, what you could do is to call the 1-800-375-5283 customer service number and they can send a request to Phoenix office. They don't want to call it an expedition of your case but it may help get you the interview letter earlier. This only works if the published processing time pass your PD and I believe this is new practice that USCIC installed just last month. The last time I called one of the customer representative volunteered this information and in the case of some of posters in this forum, it actually worked. So you could give it a try.

Unfortunately I probably would have to wait until the March processing time is published before I can do that.
Called USCIS 1800 number

Hi Zap,
Thanks for the advice. I called the 1800. Got to talk to a lady. She submit a inquiry to CSC for me. She wouldn't do that first. You have to tell her that you haven't called before and that you haven't got any information since the finger print. She said I'll expect to hear something from CSC. Hope that helps.

I went to an infopass last week and this time I met with a much more friendly IO. She typed a lot of information into computer and found out that my name check is pending. The name check request was sent to FBI a few days before my fingerprint date. It's been already more than 6 months now.
Interview update

Interview really quick and simple, very friendly officer; took less than 10 minutes
1. sworn in
2. asked for passport, drivers license, and Green card
3. went over N400
4. 6 civic questions, 1 sentence to write
5. N-652 with first item checked - passed the tests of english, and U.S. history and govt
and checked a decision cannot yet be made - reason, she has to send it to the QC for final approval which she indicated is standard procedure there..
mentioned Oath might be in April/May..

Good luck to all of you.

my timeline

PD: Sep 12, 06
Received date online as Sep 14, 06
FP: Sep 28, 06
IL received: 1/24/07 (letter notice date 1/20/07); online status still there as received and pending
ID: 3/7/07
Oath: Pending
phx n400 time line

my thanks to forum for info and encouragement,
my wife arrived in 2000 from colombia
we married july 01
received permanent residence in 7/04

Service Center: CSC, Laguna Niguel
PD: 4/11/07
FD: 5/22/07
Interview taken on 11/6/07 passed (pefunctory 6 listed questions, read write a sentence.)
oath taken on 12/7/07
good luck to all, fred
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Oath Completed

Oath completed this morning at a special court session at Kyrene Cerritos Elementary school.. it was very nicely planned, with K, 5th and 8th grade students, Boys Scout team performing.
seated at 8:30 am; ceremony started at 9.30 and ended at 10.30.. certificates handed after that for about 189 new U.S. citizens..

That's it. :)

Good luck to all of you.

Priority Date: 9/12/06
Application received date on web site as 9/14/06
FP date: 9/28/2006
Interview Letter recvd date: 1/24/07
Interview Date: 3/7/07
Online status: still there as received and pending
Oath Letter recvd date: Apr 28 2007
Oath date: May 16 2007
Online status: still there as received and pending
Re: Oath Completed

Like Sudhak, I also had my oath ceremony on May 16th at Kyrene de los Cerritos Elementary School.
It was a very nice ceremony indeed. A teacher of that school and the father of a student became
citizens in that ceremony and were recognized. Kids made congratulations cards for us, 5th grade
children sang "Thankful for the USA", kindergarten kids sang "America the Beautiful", the 8th grade
band also played a song, and Boy Scouts did the presentation of colors.
Best wishes to all.

PD: 9/8/06
FP: 9/29/06
Online status disappeared: 1/22/07
IL received: 1/26/07 (letter notice date 1/20/07)
ID: 3/6/07
Oath letter received: 4/30/07
OD: 5/16/07
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PD: 01/29/07
FP: 02/21/07
IL: received 08/23/07, case disappeared on USCIS web site
ID: 10/01/07 (approved!)
OD: 10/05/07 (all done!)
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