Philly passport stamping question


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone have his/her passport stamped at Philadelphia Office recently?

Do I need to make an appointment for stamping first? Can I just walk-in? Please tell me the procedure. The approval notice doesn't include a phone number I can call for details and I don't know how much time it takes to finish the whole process.


Did you complete your stamping at BCIS Philly recently. Can you give me some details. We need to go there with a 4 month old baby. Any details on parking/wait time etc will be very helpful.

my stamping experience

Here is my Philly stamping experience.

- I went to the BCIS office on a rainly day at about 10 am two weeks ago. Parked my car at one of the garages nearby. There are several parking around the BCIS building but I parked at the one next to the Musemu Tower Apt. because others were full. Then walked to the BCIS office. Amazingly, there were no line at the entrance. May be because it was a rainly day and fewer people went there. I saw a couple with a very young baby trying to enter but the guards seemed to ask them not to. And I didn't see any baby inside.

- Then went through security, had my bag x-rayed and went into the waiting room. The room was almost full.

- Went to window 5 to get a ticket and waited for the number to be called or shown on the digital board at the back of the counters. Remember to look for the number shown on "D" column.

- I waited for 1.5 hours until my number was called/shown. The officer asked for my copy of approval notice, passport, photos, I-94. Then I did my fingerprint and signed on a form. The officer then stamped my passport. Only took less than 10 mins. to do all these and then I was out.

- The reception at window 5 may ask for your EADs, but it is really not needed. They will still process your green card. The officer didn't even want my EADs.

- As for bringing a baby, I am not sure if it is a good idea since the room is crowded and there isn't anywhere for you to go if the baby starts crying and you need a more private area for him/her. And you certainly don't want to go out and miss your number. Some daycares take one day drop off children. Check if you area has one. Also bring something to do or read for the waiting tiem.

- There is a copying machine in the room in case you need one.

Good luck.
Stamping Done: Philly 2/18/2004

Allright folks, looks like we are a step closer to getting that green thing ...anyway here's a minute by minute on our stamping experience with a 4 month baby. Why the hell did you go with a 4 month baby you ask ...well that's becos I don't trust my little one with anyone else yet ...there ! :)

We left home around 6.15 am
1.5hr drive to Calloway drive
Parked on the street close to center 7.25am
Wife in car with baby, me in Q
Gaurd walks the Q, checks everyone's ID
Gates open 7.30am, I was probably 25th in Q
Let's in 5-10 in at a time for security check
Told gaurd, wife's in car with kid and will join at the door
he's kool with it, I call wife on cell tell her I'm close to the door
Wife comes in just in time with baby and we get thru security
Go to the far right corner to join another Q for tickets
Get tickets 608/609 and go to far left corner with 6 chairs
for some private space with baby...yeah right! ;-)
Wait about 45 mins for number to come up
Go upto counter where *this* dispassionate lady asks
for ONE TICKET at a TIME ...gawd man the attitude..
Anyway she took our EAD, our copy of the notice, I-94
and passport. She then took out another form took
fingerprint of index finger only and had each of us
sign that form on both sides ...
Then she started filling the form with EAC#s, A#, address
etc etc ...was standing verifying everything she wrote to
make sure she did not make a mistake ...;-) and was also
thinking if anyone would have trouble reading her handwriting!!
Anyhow, she then took each passport and stamped with
"Processed for I-551 ....etc etc ::" and the wrote A#, EAC# and
a whole bunch of other numbers ...blah blah blah ...
She's says wait 3-12 months for card and asked us to comeback
if we do not get card even after 11 months ...

Well that was it !!! was back home by around NOON time

Goodluck to all still waiting ...