Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker

akela said:
Since my hotline is not working anymore, I called my lawyer and this is what she has to say about Dallas BEC (which should be similar to Phili BEC). They have started processing Aapril 2001 cases, and they suspect it will take atleast an year to clear that.

I do not know how true it is, I hope it is not, but then thats is what I have been told. I guess we saw some post April 2001 approval, which according to the above theory is at best random, most of the cases approved right now are the April 2001 ones.


See this post under Dallas Backlog Elimination thread...
Just hard from my employer that today they got a labor approved from Dallas for one of my colleague.

Type: RIR
PD: May 2001
Now maybe this is a fluke approval - but what your lawyer says doesnt make sense to me. Of course, who am I to judge - but when I look at NY DOL, Boston DOL processing dates; I begin to think there HAS to be some pressure on the Philly guys to perform. I mean.... NY DOL is processing 6/2004 cases Regional Recive dates... but it does beg the question can Philly be allowed to stick a thumb up their asses and not do anything for another year...
God I hope and actually think not.

So me humble opinion thinks; yewr lawyer is jerking you around... OR he's just another fart... like so many lawyers we know of...

Of course we share your frustration and appreciate your note... just wanted to say.. I dont believe your lawyer and maybe you shouldn't either.... at least this once. :)
akela said:
Since my hotline is not working anymore, I called my lawyer and this is what she has to say about Dallas BEC (which should be similar to Phili BEC). They have started processing Aapril 2001 cases, and they suspect it will take atleast an year to clear that.

I do not know how true it is, I hope it is not, but then thats is what I have been told. I guess we saw some post April 2001 approval, which according to the above theory is at best random, most of the cases approved right now are the April 2001 ones.


Good News is they have started working on something !.. Also I don't believe about they taking 1 year to finish April 2001 cases. They have way more cases then only in April 2001, If they take 1 year for Apr-2001, total back log processing time would be 10 years.
I wish e-bay has some available

I thought only the stock market was so volatile as far as sentiments go... they should start a system where the son or grandson can collect the LC on
behalf of the applicant, atleast, our souls will be happy :eek:
Hi Spinus,

COuld you please clarify which specific doc you are referring to? Is it the ETA 750 form which is applied? If so, is that supposed to be stamped by the SWA? Or is it some other document?


spinus said:
So carry the document which shows the date (Recepit Date) on which your LC was applied. If you don't have one, ask the Lawyer to send it.
thanks for ur info

spinus, thanks for your info, even I am in my 7th year and have been planning to go for visa stamping so I was worried that they may deny us the visa thinking that we are going to stay in US forever since our 7th year extension implies that GC is pending.

q: did u go to ur home country or canada ?

spinus said:
If you are going for stamping of H1 beyond 6 yrs, make sure you carry the proof that your LC is pending for more than a year. I faced the problem in Jan this year. I carried all the docs required for H1 stamping but missed docs related to GC and he asked me for only that document. Luckily I had my house keys with a friend, who went that night at my house, got the document and faxed it to me. Next day I showed that piece of document and he gave me the visa. So carry the document which shows the date (Recepit Date) on which your LC was applied. If you don't have one, ask the Lawyer to send it.
neelatul said:
I am in my 8th year and had no problem in last December for stamping in Mumbai consulate.

Hi neelatul,
Did they ask you about your future intentions (of seeking permanent residency in the U.S.) since you have applied for your green card? Was that an issue at all?

I am on my 7th year extension and would like to visit Mumbai in December '05.


neelatul, thanks for sharing info.

Anyone got their 7th year stamped from chennai ?

neelatul said:
I am in my 8th year and had no problem in last December for stamping in Mumbai consulate.
Hi neelatul,
Did they ask you about your future intentions (of seeking permanent residency in the U.S.) since you have applied for your green card? Was that an issue at all?

I am on my 7th year extension and would like to visit Mumbai in December '05.


She did not ask me anything about my future plans. She asked some basic questions about my current job. Then she asked me one technical question about my skills and I replied in 'hightech' language (using technical terminology) and then she had to stop!:) During this conversation, she continued stamping the documents, means she was positive from the beginning.


Let me draw your attention here. This tracker is specially meant for 'Philadelphia Regional DOL' problems. I wish we can discuss above matters in another tracker specifically meant for it. What do you say ?
Hi neelatul,
Did they ask you about your future intentions (of seeking permanent residency in the U.S.) since you have applied for your green card? Was that an issue at all?

I am on my 7th year extension and would like to visit Mumbai in December '05.


H1B is a DUAL INTENT VISA.. So it is Okay if you have applied for Green Card, You still get the Visa Stamp. ALSO, VISA STAMP is just a formality once you get the Extension approval from USCIS. They can only refuse visa if they find any fraud associated with your case.

hope this helps
gp111 said:
H1B is a DUAL INTENT VISA.. So it is Okay if you have applied for Green Card, You still get the Visa Stamp. ALSO, VISA STAMP is just a formality once you get the Extension approval from USCIS. They can only refuse visa if they find any fraud associated with your case.

hope this helps

Thanks a lot "gp111" and "neelatul" for the valuable information. I agree "neelatul" that we should have this discussion on some other thread.
Predicting Approximate LC Approval

Here is last "OFFICIAL" word that came from DOL from This points clearly to DOL's intention of processing by true FIFO.

Processing Cases by First-In / First-Out (FIFO)

"Though cases at the BECs will be sorted into RIR and regular labor certification cases, the DOL advised that they are making every effort to get the cases with the oldest priority dates processed first, regardless of whether they are RIR or regular."

I think if we have case breakdown by year/month for all 250,000 cases (including RIR/NON-RIR/Regional/SWA all of them-remember initial analysis done by Zany only included regional cases), we probably can estimate approximate time assuming 200 analyst working on 250,000 cases. I need help from JustWatching, Icarus, Zany_Brainy, gp111 and other gurus to get to that. Thanks in advance.
My hotline is down, don't know if it is deliberate or what, can Tomshu, Orissa, Icarus or any1 check with Philli BPC. A call is long overdue.

I called today @ 484-270-1500 and spoke with a lady.She is not giving any sort of Information other than saying that they are working on labor approvals.I told her that I recieved 45 days letter from BEC 90 days ago and untill now i did'nt hear from BEC.She gave me an email id to write them abt my case and another url ( check more info. This web site is diveritng to Unemployment Insurance Home page.

Dunno what's happening with them :confused: :confused: :confused:

Though my hotline working inside BPC, but in long leave till june 26. I do not know what's going on there inside BPC now. Request for Tomshu and Icarus for a call, long overdue now.

akela said:
My hotline is down, don't know if it is deliberate or what, can Tomshu, Orissa, Icarus or any1 check with Philli BPC. A call is long overdue.

orissa said:
Though my hotline working inside BPC, but in long leave till june 26. I do not know what's going on there inside BPC now. Request for Tomshu and Icarus for a call, long overdue now.

It looks like pretty much everyone in there has been on leave for quite sometime now.... nothing seems to get done ! Is it possible for almost a 100 ppl and what is it... 2 CO's not get anything done???
If you are calling Barbara than it explains why I am not getting any answer. She has been a sweet lady and would tell you the truth (I hope).
Priority Date???

Could any one of you guys can explain me how to find the Priority Date? Is it the same date on which SESA received our petitions or it may be diffrent then the SESA received date?
Thanks for your response.
See The Reply From The Company Lawyer !!!

The DOL has indicated that it will not invest in the development of a case tracking system for cases pending with the Backlog Centers because the whole backlog effort is supposed to last approximately 2-2.5 years so the short duration of the project did not justify, in their minds, the costs associated with the development of such a system. The only guidance you can provide to employees at this point is based on the DOL's statement that these backlog cases will be processed using the "first-in-first-out" (FIFO) method. Accordingly, those applications with earlier filing (priority) dates will be processed before the applications with later filing dates. For example, cases filed in 2000 and 2001 should be processed under this FIFO method well before the cases that were filed in 2003 and 2004. While each employee's filing date will give him/her a general sense of the timing and order of processing, the DOL unfortunately did not provide estimates as to how long it may take to process cases filed during any given year. As you know, a lot of cases were filed on or before Apr. 30, 2001 and they are still a part of the national backlog (even though some states have cleared that date, others have not and now the Backlog Centers have combined all of these cases in a single pile, to be processed using the FIFO method); once those April 2001 cases are cleared, things should move a bit faster. However, as you know, the DOL is still in the process of transferring files from local offices to the Backlog Centers and performing basic data entry for each transferred case; until that process is complete, the speed of adjudication of cases already entered into the new system will suffer because certain DOL resources will continue to be tied up on the case transfer and data entry effort. After all cases are transferred later this year, the DOL should focus exclusively on review and processing, which hopefully will improve the pace of adjudication.
It's just a stamp from SWA which gives the date on which your application was recieved.

I did stamping in my home country (Mumabi, India).

GotGC?? said:
Hi Spinus,

COuld you please clarify which specific doc you are referring to? Is it the ETA 750 form which is applied? If so, is that supposed to be stamped by the SWA? Or is it some other document?
