Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Labor Processing Time...


Don't believe, what you see? DOL processing time has been totally erratic.



NAYAK said:
God bless all of us !! Hope it is a typo !! I was expecting atleast 3 months jump !!
I have some doubt to the date. My LC is in Philly and it is received on 10/6/2003. I just checked AVM and it is the same old message. Sth. must be wrong with the date. I hope it is just I am too pessimistic. :)
I-130 form: A citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States may file this form to establish the relationship to certain alien relatives who wish to immigrate to the United States. A petitioner residing in the United States should file Form I-130 at the Service Center with jurisdiction over the petitioner's place of residence.

I am not sure how I-130 is related to LC certification process and causing any/all delays.

Pineapple said:
Just what is this i130 process? Can someone tell me briefly?

Well, the way I figure, if you cant beat em', Join em'. :D If its not too late, might as well flush my passport and docs and join the party! :)

tomshu said:
I talked to a Phil DOL officer about a couple weeks ago. Basically she explained to me that all the delays are caused by the i130 policy which allows illegal immigrants to be ligalized and allow them to apply for GreanCard. Also she said that this month all the DOL officers are training the contract staff for the backlog reduction center. She also said we may start to see some progress from this September. Guys hung on! I've been pending in the Labor process for about 3 years :-<!
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Hi GCDE02:

My lawyers response was exactly same as yours when I requested her to contact DOL. My lawyer thinks that once RFE is replied there is no point contacting them over the phone ???

I don't know what exactly going on ??


GCDE02 said:
Thanks PINKUBENU, Do you know if your lawyers got in touch with DOL to follow up on your case? I spoke to mine and he said that we don't want to contact the DOL at this point. He didn't mention why though. I saw somewhere on the Forum that some of the cases with RFEs on HQ Issues had been approved in Mass. Not sure what that means for the rest of us.

Thanks PINKUBENU! My lawyer responded to my email stating that the DOL was going to get to my case "very soon". I'm not sure what to make of it, especially with account of people just like yourself, who've been waiting much longer than i have for the DOL to act on their cases. Please keep me posted on any developments at your end and i'll do the same.

This is NUTS! Philly DOL slid back one month to June :mad:

On the positive side... after months of the date staying exactly the same, everyone (At least I) had the suspicion than a passing UFO had abducted all the employees at DOL. The fact that the dates have changed at all, even if backwards, means that the UFO has finally returned them from Mars or where ever they were taken.

PS: Does time move backwards on other planets? :p
Pineapple said:
This is NUTS! Philly DOL slid back one month to June :mad:

On the positive side... after months of the date staying exactly the same, everyone (At least I) had the suspicion than a passing UFO had abducted all the employees at DOL. The fact that the dates have changed at all, even if backwards, means that the UFO has finally returned them from Mars or where ever they were taken.

PS: Does time move backwards on other planets? :p

I just called the Phil DOL officer again about that. She explained to me that there are currently only four people processing all the about 11000 cases. But starting from Sept when the two Backlog Reduction Centeres are ready to run, there will be around one hundred staff available, by then we will see MUCH more improvement in terms of progress. Also she said the RIR date should be July 2003, it does not make much difference for 6 or 7 as long as what we concern is "BIG CHANGES and BIG PROGRESS IMPROVEMENT".

Hallaluiah can we have another election year next year around the time when all of us will have proceeded into the 140 and 485 stages... ;)

This is great news, lets see how many promises are kept. :)

Thanks Tomshu - it looks like you've got a hotline straight into the DOL offices...
spidey said:
Hallaluiah can we have another election year next year around the time when all of us will have proceeded into the 140 and 485 stages... ;)

This is great news, lets see how many promises are kept. :)

Thanks Tomshu - it looks like you've got a hotline straight into the DOL offices...

Believe it or not, I got this number by accident (from a mis-dialed AVM number) :)
tomshu said:
I just called the Phil DOL officer again about that. She explained to me that there are currently only four people processing all the about 11000 cases. But starting from Sept when the two Backlog Reduction Centeres are ready to run, there will be around one hundred staff available, by then we will see MUCH more improvement in terms of progress. Also she said the RIR date should be July 2003, it does not make much difference for 6 or 7 as long as what we concern is "BIG CHANGES and BIG PROGRESS IMPROVEMENT".


Thanks Tomshu, you've give us more info than all the lawyers in the nation put together :)
So lets see in Sep.... if it turns out to be true, tall drinks all around! :)
Pineapple said:
Thanks Tomshu, you've give us more info than all the lawyers in the nation put together :)
So lets see in Sep.... if it turns out to be true, tall drinks all around! :)

Do you trust lawyers? I never! Most of them never tell you the truth. Probably they love the DOL slowness so that they can make more many!!! For my case, the company's contract lawyer spent SIX months to finally file my case to the MD Office. If they could have made it to three months I would have had GR in hands :mad:
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Thanks shu

You are absolutely right. The last person you can trust in the world is a lawyer. I had an even worst experience than you. The stupid lawyer screwed up and didn't even get my application pass the state office. He even cheated me and told me he replied the NOF which he indeed didn't. If he did that right, I would have cleared the LC and avoid stucking with Philly DOL now. I had to restart another application after that and my application is in regional DOL office now. I do it myself this time.

BTW, thank you for your information. Hanging here and let us know what is happening. God bless us.

tomshu said:
Do you trust lawyers? I never! Most of them never tell you the truth. Probably they love the DOL slowness so that they can make more many!!! For my case, the company's contract lawyer spent SIX months to finally file my case to the MD Office. If they could have made it to three months I would have had GR in hands :mad:
Hi Tomshu,

lets hope for the best...

tomshu said:
I just called the Phil DOL officer again about that. She explained to me that there are currently only four people processing all the about 11000 cases. But starting from Sept when the two Backlog Reduction Centeres are ready to run, there will be around one hundred staff available, by then we will see MUCH more improvement in terms of progress. Also she said the RIR date should be July 2003, it does not make much difference for 6 or 7 as long as what we concern is "BIG CHANGES and BIG PROGRESS IMPROVEMENT".

Anybody know how long those "Backlog Reduction Centeres" will work?

If 100 peoples work at 11000 applications would not take to long... the peoples wait again 3 years...
Here's a bit of mathematical speculation.

11000 applications / 100 consultants = 110 applications per consultant.
Assuming an average of 3 days per application per consultant ( this number is a wild ass guess but lets go with it for now ) - it can be speculated that all applications will be processed in 330 days, which is approximately 1 year.

Now working backwards, DOL has said that they want to clear all backlogs in 2 years time, which if used as basis to process all 11000 applications by 100 consultants, only puts our average to 6 days per application.

So - there you go. Of course, some applications will take lesser time than others to adjudicate / process, the averages typically go up when the consultants have to verify suspect cases, most notably from this forum the ones that were applied from DE or NJ or other states with lesser processing times... OR forum shopping as it's also known...
spidey said:
Here's a bit of mathematical speculation.

11000 applications / 100 consultants = 110 applications per consultant.
Assuming an average of 3 days per application per consultant ( this number is a wild ass guess but lets go with it for now ) - it can be speculated that all applications will be processed in 330 days, which is approximately 1 year.

Now working backwards, DOL has said that they want to clear all backlogs in 2 years time, which if used as basis to process all 11000 applications by 100 consultants, only puts our average to 6 days per application.

So - there you go. Of course, some applications will take lesser time than others to adjudicate / process, the averages typically go up when the consultants have to verify suspect cases, most notably from this forum the ones that were applied from DE or NJ or other states with lesser processing times... OR forum shopping as it's also known...

This 11000 cases are the ones only pending in Phil DOL, I guess the Backlog Reduction Centers will have to work for other Regional DOL plus State DOL pending cases too. Then the math will be different... But who knows? Lets pray the Phil Regional DOL cases will get the highest priority!!! God bless us and God bless America's Economy!!!!
Now I know why Philly DOL has not moved for the past 6-7 months..Late last year Philly was almost current..meaning no order to use the Backlog Reductions Centers, some smart Dilbert Dude there probably decided that they needed to create a backlog so as to be able to use the backlog reduction centers..and that is what we have to day..a nice big backlog..
Processing time

I believe each case takes far less time to process. The flowcharts of the PWC Labor Certification study comissioned by DoL show that each case usually takes only a few man-hours (I guess no more than five) to complete. That's the actual time they spent looking at the file. So it must go much faster now. The huge current backlog is due to total inaction. LC applicants pay taxes but have no voice to represent them politically.
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