Philadelphia Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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Hi GCDE02:

My case was NOFed on 10/15/2003(Three) and rebutted on 12/31/2003(Three) after time extension. I haven't heard from DOL since then.


GCDE02 said:
Hi All-

Does anyone know how the cases where NOFs have been responded to are being handled? Is there some kind of priority date for processing NOF case? Any feedback is highly appreciated.

Case Details:
USDOL RD: 08/20/2003
NOF: 04/15/2004
NOF Responded: 05/15/2004

Talked to Phil DOL officer

I talked to a Phil DOL officer about a couple weeks ago. Basically she explained to me that all the delays are caused by the i130 policy which allows illegal immigrants to be ligalized and allow them to apply for GreanCard. Also she said that this month all the DOL officers are training the contract staff for the backlog reduction center. She also said we may start to see some progress from this September. Guys hung on! I've been pending in the Labor process for about 3 years :-<!
tomshu -

Thanks, I agree, understand and feel totally cheated by it.
I guess we have the Bush administration to thank for it -- makes it impossible to be in legal immigration standing and appreciate this administration.
spidey said:
tomshu -

Thanks, I agree, understand and feel totally cheated by it.
I guess we have the Bush administration to thank for it -- makes it impossible to be in legal immigration standing and appreciate this administration.

We also should thank all the guys who submit their aplications from DE without a physical office in it. She said they are spending a lot of time to verify the TRUTH!
Tomshu -

Was there any indication that processing may actually pick up considerable speed once the backlog reduction ctrs are operational from this person you talked to.

See - I am wondering if, once the centers are operational - we'll see:
1. Some movement (they take 2 months to process 1 months applications)
2. Average movement (1 month per months backlog)
3. Good movement (damn.... we're all cleared within the next 3,4 months time)


Hey - you've been here 3 years and counting. I am 2 yrs, 4 months and counting... at least now I am in the Regional office been there for months... been hanging on to my sanity from a thin thread... barely managing to keep my nose above water... if you know what I mean... I'd sure like to hear/see something good happen.
As I am sure you and everyone else here also would ;)
Tomshu, thanks for find this out..and its a good idea not to divulge phone numbers here...

Anyways, if you look at a few of my past mails, I had expressed DE Issues and Training Issues as possible reasons for the delay..out of these the DE one seems to be the one which really screws all of us..
tomshu said:
I talked to a Phil DOL officer about a couple weeks ago. Basically she explained to me that all the delays are caused by the i130 policy which allows illegal immigrants to be ligalized and allow them to apply for GreanCard.

Just what is this i130 process? Can someone tell me briefly?

Well, the way I figure, if you cant beat em', Join em'. :D If its not too late, might as well flush my passport and docs and join the party! :)

i130 is probably the form number associated with illegal immigrants getting a chance to file for permanent residency before the April 2001 deadline; if you remember, one of the things the Bush administration did was come up with a brilliant idea of doing this for a number of advertised and not-so-advertised reasons...
Not relevant.. What is relevant to us is that this caused enormous amounts of applications for labor certification which the DOL was ill prepared to deal with. Mostly because grand daddy Bush didn't think work needs to get done. The idea was everyone goes to their ranch in Austin, Texas or whereever the hell they've got a ranch when workload increases...

But having ranted that out... I must say... there's a misconception on this board that the illegals are better off.. actually they're not.
They're pretty much stuck like us as well... in fact... they're prolly worse off now since they too can't really switch jobs until this is done. All they get out of it is taxes, which they could have avoided by getting paid in cash.
So I wouldn't be in a hurry to get to the toilet with the passport :rolleyes:

As a group of legals though we're all screwed because dumbass didn't think we mattered much... all his bunch of vacationers thought about was uncle saddy...

tsk tsk so much frustration u say ... :D
Thanks PINKUBENU, Do you know if your lawyers got in touch with DOL to follow up on your case? I spoke to mine and he said that we don't want to contact the DOL at this point. He didn't mention why though. I saw somewhere on the Forum that some of the cases with RFEs on HQ Issues had been approved in Mass. Not sure what that means for the rest of us.

Hi pinkubenu,

Any update on your case status? After 7 long months NON-RIR queue has moved up one month. What is your DOL Receipt date?

Best Regards,


pinkubenu said:
Hi GCDE02:

My case was NOFed on 10/15/2003(Three) and rebutted on 12/31/2003(Three) after time extension. I haven't heard from DOL since then.

LC Applicants..


Does anyone have a recent copy DOL tracker excel spreadsheet?

Thank you karthick_m for posting your case details.



karthick_m said:
July 2002 - Filed EB2-RIR in VA
April 2004 - Forwarded to Phili
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