Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

NJ Sep 03 2002 RIR approval

5th May 2006, 10:49 PM
Registered User Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 31

Labor Cert. Approved


My labor cert was approved.

Priority Date: 09/03/2002
State: NJ
Type: RIR

This has been a great forum. Thanks to all for keeping the hopes alive.
All the very best to those who are waiting.

Now, on to the I-140 wait and the long retrogression wait to file 485.
MannyD said:
For those of you with PDs in June 2002 to Aug 2002, who haven't got an approval: what's your plan of action? I want to know if we should be asking attorney to follow-up with PBEC or ask HR to do that or we call directly. Or do we just twiddle fingers and wait?

I know there are people waiting with PDs earlier than June 2002 - but it appears that a separate PBEC work force is working on files with PD post-June 2002 and that's why this question.


This set of people as Group should talk to IV.ORG and contribute and get thier help to move these cases. Once attention is turned on them it will be matter of weeks before all of these approved. All of these are Qualified cases just waiting to get the hand os someone

We had Lawsuit effort and 2001 & 2002 Guys were not part of that thinking that we will be the first to get out . We had letter Campaign and this is for General PBEC itself. We now need is special attaention and some inside information.We should be all prepared to pay $50.00 each for that atleast for that. Once this is done Retrogession is definetly is our next goal. So IV.ORg will be intereted in us as we will constriburte more for that as well. Any one here know people there.

Labordrags can you help this group since I know that you talked to IV some time back
Lets stop thinking abt it..thats the best we can do

saknia said:
This set of people as Group should talk to IV.ORG and contribute and get thier help to move these cases. Once attention is turned on them it will be matter of weeks before all of these approved. All of these are Qualified cases just waiting to get the hand os someone

We had Lawsuit effort and 2001 & 2002 Guys were not part of that thinking that we will be the first to get out . We had letter Campaign and this is for General PBEC itself. We now need is special attaention and some inside information.We should be all prepared to pay $50.00 each for that atleast for that. Once this is done Retrogession is definetly is our next goal. So IV.ORg will be intereted in us as we will constriburte more for that as well. Any one here know people there.

Labordrags can you help this group since I know that you talked to IV some time back

Thanks for your good work Saknia.

However, I beg to differ that there is no set of Group for 2001 or 2002 guys. I wish we could be that united. some of the 2002 guys did contribute to Lawsuits and IV including myself.

What IV can do...hire QGA lawfirm ...anybody show me a single result so far? The conservative lobby in congress is too strong to even get a dent.
We all know this govt believes in conservative and faith based politics. They will keep talking on important issues but will never act on it. immigration is slowly going towards becoming a backburner....we just need to flare up Iran or any other issue for the peaceful demise of immigration issue so that people will forget abt it.

Long story short, NOTHING will happen. I contributed already....I wish I would given that money to any homeless or illegal alien working for food.

All we can do is wait.....Its true..there is nothing in our hands (We have seen Lawsuits have no chance..letter/fax campaign.....Do we know how many letters/faxes are being sent by people opposing it ..we are not even close. Feel free to visit,, and WorldNetDaily)

Are we united to take actions....Not an iota.
How many people agreed for demonstration..not even 50. How many readers are in this forum...Bitching and asking invaluable questions....and on top of that ..some time asking to read a Tarot card and speculate....Great going. However, I will not undermine some people's hard work here of posting the dates here.

Its a fact that we are not united. Why do not we give up and wait when the turn will come. (I am on my 8th year goin to apply for 9th). Lets just chill out. Bottomline is we are not united and deserve this situation.

Keep coming to forum and chat, bitch abt DOL/PBEC/PD/ gives a feeling that you are not alone in this situation.

Lets not pin our hope of life to any group even IV.
Lets stop thinking abt goes on....Jobs are everywehere.....With the kind of exp we have , we can get job anywhere. Its not worth giving our peace and life for Labor cert.
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Saknia, you scratch my back and I will yours

saknia said:
This set of people as Group should talk to IV.ORG and contribute and get thier help to move these cases. Once attention is turned on them it will be matter of weeks before all of these approved. All of these are Qualified cases just waiting to get the hand os someone

We had Lawsuit effort and 2001 & 2002 Guys were not part of that thinking that we will be the first to get out . We had letter Campaign and this is for General PBEC itself. We now need is special attaention and some inside information.We should be all prepared to pay $50.00 each for that atleast for that. Once this is done Retrogession is definetly is our next goal. So IV.ORg will be intereted in us as we will constriburte more for that as well. Any one here know people there.

Labordrags can you help this group since I know that you talked to IV some time back

Saknia, this is a very bold step by spending too much time and organizing people who might come with different set of opinions in terms of just getting together. I even today, don’t support any efforts from IV group, and I always stand still in my belief that IV is not the group who can help you out getting out of this labor mess. The DOL publication on this matter has always been (hope it’s a realistic) a top when people think their labor will clear by the end of September 2007. We live in anticipation and we are so strong in waiting even it takes just a decade to see our labor being approved.

There are few Senators who proposed the bill to raise the quota and the smooth processing within USCIS, and still it has more hunches just to see if it will get thru congress. I am not quite exactly sure how will IV gets the so called retrogression be eliminated when even the Senators are trying to get their hands and feet into this long ailing battle. Simply, I need your comment and show me some light that IV will and it definitely will help in clearing the retro, and I am too willing to contribute, if not $50, then $500. I will give money to them rather than getting 2007 X-BOX. BUT, you are liable in making this prediction done otherwise I will make you accounted for my $500. If you agree, then let me see how it will resolve the issue, and I will move forward. If you don’t have any clue, then please stop dragging my feet over this, as I am not going to give even a dime to an org like IV. And also, I need an approximation date on when this retro will be over.
labordrags said:
Saknia, this is a very bold step by spending too much time and organizing people who might come with different set of opinions in terms of just getting together. I even today, don’t support any efforts from IV group, and I always stand still in my belief that IV is not the group who can help you out getting out of this labor mess. The DOL publication on this matter has always been (hope it’s a realistic) a top when people think their labor will clear by the end of September 2007. We live in anticipation and we are so strong in waiting even it takes just a decade to see our labor being approved.

There are few Senators who proposed the bill to raise the quota and the smooth processing within USCIS, and still it has more hunches just to see if it will get thru congress. I am not quite exactly sure how will IV gets the so called retrogression be eliminated when even the Senators are trying to get their hands and feet into this long ailing battle. Simply, I need your comment and show me some light that IV will and it definitely will help in clearing the retro, and I am too willing to contribute, if not $50, then $500. I will give money to them rather than getting 2007 X-BOX. BUT, you are liable in making this prediction done otherwise I will make you accounted for my $500. If you agree, then let me see how it will resolve the issue, and I will move forward. If you don’t have any clue, then please stop dragging my feet over this, as I am not going to give even a dime to an org like IV. And also, I need an approximation date on when this retro will be over.


I think you have gotten me wrong. With all due respect to you for the effort you have done for the Lawsuit, I thought that you might volunteer for this if asked.That's why I mentoned your name.

It is your call.

If you think it is a long drawn process and will not work out ( I can imagine your frustrations due to your prior initiatives) then there is no any second thinking we should do on it here about that. I am not and for that matter no body can guess when PBEC will finish thier work nor when the Retrogession efforts will see Light.
I have great regard for what you have done so far. Hence I suggested your name.

If you think it is wrong - My Apologies

Let us not get in to $500 war over retrogession. We are already have lot mess due to this PBEC & USCIS.Let us mine our Business. In fact Iam thinking of not coming to this threda for few weeks for a change. Because when we see some issues like this we write freely and that might hurt someone dowon the line

Sorry Boss - Once again
saknia said:

I think you have gotten me wrong. With all due respect to you for the effort you have done for the Lawsuit, I thought that you might volunteer for this if asked.That's why I mentoned your name.

It is your call.

If you think it is a long drawn process and will not work out ( I can imagine your frustrations due to your prior initiatives) then there is no any second thinking we should do on it here about that. I am not and for that matter no body can guess when PBEC will finish thier work nor when the Retrogession efforts will see Light.
I have great regard for what you have done so far. Hence I suggested your name.

If you think it is wrong - My Apologies

Let us not get in to $500 war over retrogession. We are already have lot mess due to this PBEC & USCIS.Let us mine our Business. In fact Iam thinking of not coming to this threda for few weeks for a change. Because when we see some issues like this we write freely and that might hurt someone dowon the line

Sorry Boss - Once again

Its all good, thanks for the quick response. I know of the great service you are providing to the labor community, and let the labor get cleared first. Think about this, if the retrogression gets cleared, how can one justify the pain of thousands of people who are waiting on this game since ages? This is truely insane to see 2006 filers getting their GC approval leaving 2001 behind on this loop. Thats all I am trying to convey from the beginning and few people don't understanding my writing. This is all I want, and I will do whatever it takes to clear the PBEC and DBEC mess, then the retro will automatically be solved after the law makers amend to raise this quota. I have no hard feeling for you, but please try to think for few seconds and you will get the big picture.
Question regarding LC screen-shot

My attorney had requested LC screen-shot from PBEC last month. The sentence preceeding the screen-shot goes something like this:

"This is in response to your inquiry on your pending application for Foriegn Labor Employment Certification..."

The screen-shot of course does not contain an explicit 'case status' field, which as we know PBEC stopped giving out since last October.

Does this guarantee that the case is truly pending? Does this screen-shot exclude other possibilities such as:
i) case already approved (but approval may not have been received for some reason)
ii) case closed by error (God forbid!)

Or in other words, would you still continue to get this kind of screen-shot, if your case was already approved or closed by error?
labordrags said:
Its all good, thanks for the quick response. I know of the great service you are providing to the labor community, and let the labor get cleared first. Think about this, if the retrogression gets cleared, how can one justify the pain of thousands of people who are waiting on this game since ages? This is truely insane to see 2006 filers getting their GC approval leaving 2001 behind on this loop. Thats all I am trying to convey from the beginning and few people don't understanding my writing. This is all I want, and I will do whatever it takes to clear the PBEC and DBEC mess, then the retro will automatically be solved after the law makers amend to raise this quota. I have no hard feeling for you, but please try to think for few seconds and you will get the big picture.

Guys! Take a chill-pill. I would say, let us concentrate only on BEC mess for now and retrogression should be our next target. Let us think positive and respect each other's opinions.

Let us atleast list possiblities of work we can do to expedite BEC process. For example, labordrag suggests law-suit. Let us atleast prepare different possibilities and discuss their pros and cons in healthy way. And finalize action(s) to be taken and work on it.

My suggestion: Rally in front of DOL in DC.

My 2 cents.
labordrags said:
Its all good, thanks for the quick response. I know of the great service you are providing to the labor community, and let the labor get cleared first. Think about this, if the retrogression gets cleared, how can one justify the pain of thousands of people who are waiting on this game since ages? This is truely insane to see 2006 filers getting their GC approval leaving 2001 behind on this loop. Thats all I am trying to convey from the beginning and few people don't understanding my writing. This is all I want, and I will do whatever it takes to clear the PBEC and DBEC mess, then the retro will automatically be solved after the law makers amend to raise this quota. I have no hard feeling for you, but please try to think for few seconds and you will get the big picture.

He is correct, "This is truely insane to see 2006 filers getting their GC approval leaving 2001 behind on this loop." That is really Insane.
Per Movies:It is like saying you are the children who were born before my marriage so we do not care for you and we will care for the children who were born after the marriage.
To everyone who has requested that the tracker be corrected because their case appears as 45DL received and they have not yet received it.

If your ETA case # has a "P" and it has been like this for more than a couple months, contact your lawyer. They might have received it a way back and never informed you. If they haven't received it they should contact the BEC.

Thanks for your help in maintaining the tracker. :)
lesson learned?

After BECs started, people with earlier PDs were so happy and never thought of a fight. Now, some people with PDs of 2001 are still waiting......

In recent months, people with PDs of 2002 were so happy and did not want to fight. Now, many people with PDs of July and August 2002 are still waiting when offically September 2002 cases are seeing approvals......

Lesson learned, anyone?

Selfish selfish selfish.....continue being selfish.....
bereasonable said:
After BECs started, people with earlier PDs were so happy and never thought of a fight. Now, some people with PDs of 2001 are still waiting......

In recent months, people with PDs of 2002 were so happy and did not want to fight. Now, many people with PDs of July and August 2002 are still waiting when offically September 2002 cases are seeing approvals......

Lesson learned, anyone?

Selfish selfish selfish.....continue being selfish.....


When things were moving for 2001 & 2002 it is but natural for people to take a wait and see approach. Always the Guy who is First in any Queue will not shout. Only people in the end will shout fearing that their turn might not come.

People from 2004 & 2005 are the one who should have participated vigorously in the Fight. Have they done that. Big No.If half of them particpated the Law suit would have been there by now.

You cannot blame them as well as this is a Forum for Tracking the Status and not for Fighting. You cannot ask anyone just becuase he is here and watching to be part of your Fight. It is optional. ( eventhough it would have been Nice if they participate).

How many o f us are going to fight this issue after our Labor gets cleared for Future people who are going to have this problem. We have a huge crowd of EB3 people waiting at Dallas who were not touched ( from 2001 onwards).We should go there and help them out.

So we cannot expect all to be part of Fight. Each fight had it own catch and Good things.Lawsuit involved revealing Employer Name which made most of them step back. Rally involves showing up personally and this has other Drawbacks and problems for some one to attend. Most of them participated in the Letter Campaign I think which was the easiet of all the Fight

This Labor being a Tricky thing no one can say this is the Best method of Fight and which will win. ( Lawsuit or Letters or Rally etc) . Hence the Confusion

Finally Will you be so generous enough to contribute to IV.ORG so that our brothers from 2005 & 2006 who struck at 485 stage with USCIS get their Visa issues sorted and get Green card faster.

Everyone has their own agenda and it is not the time to blame
bereasonable said:
After BECs started, people with earlier PDs were so happy and never thought of a fight. Now, some people with PDs of 2001 are still waiting......

In recent months, people with PDs of 2002 were so happy and did not want to fight. Now, many people with PDs of July and August 2002 are still waiting when offically September 2002 cases are seeing approvals......

Lesson learned, anyone?

Selfish selfish selfish.....continue being selfish.....

The whole lawsuit business as well as the majority of contributors are with the early priority dates with PD 2002 and earlier. Unfortunately only a handful of people stepped up. Also I do not see your name in the list of contributors. Its OK to be a freeloader but nobody expects them to blame the driver.
Understand what I am saying ?
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NewAflatoon said:
After 3 and 1/2 years finally the day has come. My labor has approved. Recieved letter on 05/04/06

I can have a little hope after waiting 3 and 1/2 years.
Thanks for your information.

PD 9/23/2002(CA)
RD 8/19/2003
45 May/2005

NY Aug 2002 RIR EB2 approval

#199 8th May 2006, 11:07 AM
Registered User Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 7

My NY 2002 RIR EB2 approved


Just heard from attorney that my labor is approved. Wanted to cry ...

My case:
RIR EB2, filed in Aug, 2002
45-day letter replied in Nov, 2005
State: New York
Backlog Elimination Center: Philadelphia
ETA Case Number: P-05130-xxxxx

I know this forum only recently, but it helped me a lot to understand the process. Thanks everyone. I am sure you will receive yours very soon.
Received 45-day letter (MD/RIR/EB2/July 21, 2003)

Applied from MD
PD: July 21, 2003
Did not make it to the Federal level
ETA# P-05147-xxxxx

The 45-day letter is dated Jan 4, 2006, so I guess my immigration attorney must have received the letter sometime in Jan 06. But did not inform me, but others in my office were informed about their letters around the same time.

My HR kept telling me that the letters are coming in a random order and be patient. But when I insisted that she ask our attorney to request case status from 484-270-1500, the attorney told us that she had received the letter and somehow not forwarded the letter to me. But she did say that she has responded to the letter within 45-days of receiving the letter.

Is there anything I can do on my own to check the status of my case? I tried calling 484-270-1500, but they forwarded me to an automated voice recording.

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snowshoe said:
Applied from MD
PD: July 21, 2003
Did not make it to the Federal level
ETA# P-05147-xxxxx

The 45-day letter is dated Jan 4, 2006, so I guess my immigration attorney must have received the letter sometime in Jan 06. But did not inform me, but others in my office were informed about their letters around the same time.

My HR kept telling me that the letters are coming in a random order and be patient. But when I insisted that she ask our attorney to request case status from 484-270-1500, the attorney told us that she had received the letter and somehow not forwarded the letter to me. But she did say that she has responded to the letter within 45-days of receiving the letter.

Is there anything I can do on my own to check the status of my case? I tried calling 484-270-1500, but they forwarded me to an automated voice recording.


If waiting for an approval is pain, dealing with such an attorney is torture.

Request for a screen shot and if the status does not say closed then you can assume that they have received 45 days letter response.
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Update from Foreign Certification


I manage to get hold of George Shephard after calling Assistant Emily Derocco's office. He is the second man in charge of Foreign Labor Certification. Unfortunately, he is new and does not really know what is ACTUALLY going on at Philly. As usual, he explained that there are 10000 of files and he could not let me know when my application will be approved. So pathetic and he also said they have come out with the deadline to wrap up the certification (Sept 2007). What's new with that??? We all know that.......! I am so pissed that they keep assigning new people that do not have a clue of what's is going on in Foreign Certification. He can't even help me with my case status. He just said that Philly is processing March 2002 for RIR and my file is almost there. How helpful considering my case only needs final review!!!!!! upon the rebuttal.

Anyway, if any one of you is interested in calling him and have a long chit chat, please call Emily DeRocco's office and ask for him (202-693-2700). Good luck.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
Rebuttal received by Philly March 28'06
Status??????? :mad:
Did he really say that they are doing march 2002 for RIR? That might be news but that also means many people with earlier date could corner him.
Did he also say your sin final review? That is least helpful info, I blv mine has been in that stage for some time.
