Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

The Retrogession and PBEc Backlog issues always come up here and people vehemently argue not to support Some people post few ads here and there and we start to arguing on this all the time. May be it is a good pass time when we don't see approvals.

Consider these Facts when you say you don't want to support Retrogession

There is no Retrogession for Rest of the World for Eb2 . This is there only for India and China. For eb3 all Countries are suffering with this.Hence the rush by people struck with eb3 to get Retogession Moving fast.

But the same time some one who is from Other world area country (not china or india) can now file PERM and file 140 & 485 and get the Job done in 6-8 months.

They are the one who consume most of the Visas and not when Retrogession is pushed forward by few years to say 2002 or 2003 ( rmember with that Bill it will only give 90,00 per year). This is so because most of 2002 & 2003 all alaredy gone out with thier GC.

Also I think that most of the 2001 Guys are already out in 140 stage. ( few are still struck here of course)

2002 -Many went out there except for Few states who got struck here in PBEC. 2002 Guys I think are the worst affected with both PBEC and Retro.

2003 & 2004& 2005 are all struck in PBEC. But Dallas Guys for these Years are already there.

In 2003 & 2004 the no of applicant for H1b from India & china could be 50,000 in total . Assuming all filed for GC it could 100,000 for 2 years. 100,000 X 3 = 300,000 Visa including family.Out of this I will say less than 150,000 are here in PBEC ( considering some who got thier Labor approved from faster states till 2003)

Dallas Guys of 2003 & 2004 and all EB3 wil support for sure. So how PBEC can stop the retrogession effectively.


But BY Filing a Lawsuit which should stop PERM..You don't have to ask specific relief for faster PBEC processing. Just say because of the Injustice already meted out to PBEC Guys PERM should be stopped to bring Eqauklit in Processing.

Then everyone in the Administration will Push PBEC for us (all Attorney's included). This will stop Rest of the World Guys from just getting GC in 8 months

Honestly I don't mind if some one from 2003 get his GC in 8 months. But not someone who will file in Jan 2007 go out with his LC while some guys watch PBEC Tickers in June 2007 for his turn

Lawsuit should be filed as quikly as possible stopping PERM. Let VISA Retrogesison takes it own course ( Honestly I think few angry posts here cannot control what is going to happen there as it is lobbied by Bigwigs and attorneys who's business is at stake)
Saknia ...

STOPPING highly impossible..they will not even look at it... Instead all the guys in PBEC and DBEC r ready to pour in some $$ for the backlog centers if they r running short of funds/manpower...

We can suggest DOL they can charge a fee for each all will be thru with this shit...Lawsuit etc will not help us out, it will make no difference to the DOL monster..

I personally feel DOL shud charge $$ for each case, but donno how much it is against their rules/policies..!! this way we will be helping DOL and ourselves out of this shit..
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How does I-140 and I-485 adjudication work for Backlog centres.?


I had a question for you. I am stuck in Phialdelphia backlog centre with PD of May 2002. Assuming I get my Labor certified by April 2006. I file my I140 and I485 in May 2006. Further assume that the PD is becomes current for all countries in May 2006. Then does my application filled in May 2006 processed before the application of Retreogession guys who had filled in May 2005(Before retrogession set in)? In other words am i given a preference over retro guys even though I filled for I-140 in May 2006 and they filled in May 2005?

Any help will be highly appreciated. Again on a sober note lets stay united and gracefully debate the pros and cons of various issues.
StressTestInUSA said:
Saknia ...

STOPPING highly impossible..they will not even look at it... Instead all the guys in PBEC and DBEC r ready to pour in some $$ for the backlog centers if they r running short of funds/manpower...

We can suggest DOL they can charge a fee for each all will be thru with this shit...Lawsuit etc will not help us out, it will make no difference to the DOL monster..

I personally feel DOL shud charge $$ for each case, but donno how much it is against their rules/policies..!! this way we will be helping DOL and ourselves out of this shit..

Thanks Saknia and Stresstest for trying to bring some sanity to this forum. I think this is the only forum where we (me included) are arguing against each other even though we all are in the same situation. For some time it was pro-anti retrogression, now it could be pro-anti perm.

Well what Saknia said is totally different from all perspectives and as per Stresstest we really don’t mind paying fees and get out of this mess, at least the fees would be far less than what each one would have to pay to get visas extended each year. I don’t think it would be implemented though. I only hope and pray that all our labor applications will get approved in less than 18 months and we all will get out of here with no hard feelings against anybody. Good luck guys. :confused:
After going through all these message, I feel that none of the above efforts would bring any kind of help to us except or unless if we bring this issue to the media who may published our issues or take some interview of PBEC chief....etc..etc..
As some mentioned earlier MEDIA...MEDIA...only MEDIA...could help us...

My optimisic thoughts by keeping in mine that "19months remaining" from DOL website, filing a lawsuit may take approximately the same amount of time....about you guys already aware about it....

just my 2 cents... may GOD keep out of this waiting hell early as soon as possible.

StressTestInUSA said:
Saknia ...

STOPPING highly impossible..they will not even look at it... Instead all the guys in PBEC and DBEC r ready to pour in some $$ for the backlog centers if they r running short of funds/manpower...

We can suggest DOL they can charge a fee for each all will be thru with this shit...Lawsuit etc will not help us out, it will make no difference to the DOL monster..

I personally feel DOL shud charge $$ for each case, but donno how much it is against their rules/policies..!! this way we will be helping DOL and ourselves out of this shit..
leo09 said:

I had a question for you. I am stuck in Phialdelphia backlog centre with PD of May 2002. Assuming I get my Labor certified by April 2006. I file my I140 and I485 in May 2006. Further assume that the PD is becomes current for all countries in May 2006. Then does my application filled in May 2006 processed before the application of Retreogession guys who had filled in May 2005(Before retrogession set in)? In other words am i given a preference over retro guys even though I filled for I-140 in May 2006 and they filled in May 2005?

Any help will be highly appreciated. Again on a sober note lets stay united and gracefully debate the pros and cons of various issues.

If that happens that is good but I don't think it will, it is additional work for them to figure out your preference, I would think they will process as and when they receive the application. so yours might end up at the back of the queue, this is just my opinion looking at the way applications are beig processed here in PBEC, i might be wrong.

ATTN: IV members
Labor BEC/BPC applicants: IMPORTANT, please read


Hi, I want to address the backlog problems and what immigration voice is doing to solve that problem one more time(attempt number 341 on immigration voice and portal). And I have no problem to continue doing it.

First of all, I am not a backlog victim myself. But then again, I came pretty close to being one and my file got processed by San Francisco office a couple of months before BECs were born.

Anways, I would like serious attention from labor applicants who are stuck in backlogs in Philly and Dallas. Coz despite not being BEC victim myself, I thoroughly understand the end-result of delay in greencard process and its consequences on my career and personal life. Siva Singaram, the webmaster and co-founder of immigration voice(featured in "Roll Call" article of Washington DC on immigration topic) is a backlog victim. Similarly there are more members in immigration voice core team that are backlog victims including Vineet and Anurag(see their bios on the "Team IV" menu of immigration voice).

We are addressing the labor backlog issue as seriously as the retrogression issue. However, there are legislative solutions for retrogression. There are no legislative solutions to backlog problem. There is no quota that can be raised and no visa recapture that can be done for backlogs problem. Then, you are left with two possible approaches:

1. Sue to dept of labor:

This approach will not take you anywhere. Filing a lawsuit is not put anyone's hair on fire. They have lawyers to deal with it. They are tax-financed government lawyers to fight that lawsuit. Also, you will not win because the department of labor, foriegn labor division has not broken any law by creating BEC/BPC and then not meeting their backlog elimination goals. IF anyone has evidence to prove anything illegal happening in those divisions/departments that can be used to file lawsuit, please email or call (281) 576-7185 and we will allot funds to file a lawsuit.

2. Administrative solution to the problem:

This is the ONLY approach that can be taken to fight labor backlogs. Why? Because this IS an ADMINISTRATIVE PROBLEM. Hence it can be fixed by administrative solution. The 3 members of Core immigration voice team met with several staff members on capitol hill and administration staff and talked about this. There are possible solutions like funding the BPC/BECs with revenue raised from fee hike on future labor applications or premium processing fees for expediting existing labor. Some of the staff we talked to were in meetings with Secretary Micheal Chertoff in those meetings discussing those agencies. First of all, it is very important to understand what's broken before we fix it. Is it funding? Is it proper training of personnel who adjudicate labor applications? If we dont know what the problem is, we cannot fix it. In the upcoming weeks, some members of IV are going to meet with people who have sat in commitees and sub-committees that FORMED the BECs and BPCs so that we understand the problem before we propose a solution. Shouting from rooftops that "There is a problem here, FIX IT" is not the approach that works when you deal with any branch of the Government. Now again, if anyone has been personally present in the Dallas or Philadelphia backlog centers and seen the work there and understood any of the problems please email or call 281-576-7185 and let us know so that we can address the problem better.

Now, let me quote an IV member who personally talked to senior staff member who has studied the problem of foriegn labor certification and also has personally travelled to Dallas and Philadelphia's backlog centers where our labor files are actually processed.

Senior staff member said that everyone is aware of the problem, and the whole BEC(=BPC) thing is so mindbogglingly miserably terrible. There are about 1000s and 100s of paper files actually stacked up in a warehouse and being bought out by a crane and forklift - has witnessed the situation first hand. Everyone we meet is *very* sympathetic about the problem.

Now if you understand the gravity of the situation, THERE ARE FORKLIFTs involved. To handle files. Files that is the first step of your greencard application. Now, although I am not personally a victim of labor backlog, I can assure you that if I was, I would be popping anti-depresssants and sleep medication like M&Ms. Not kidding. They way I would see it is: After 30 years of hard work, everything, including my efforts in highschool, 12th, Bachelors degrees, finding the first job, getting H1, coming here, struggling in the first few projects, H1b blues, migraines from employers etc etc were made with the hope that at the end of the day, there would be light at the end of this tunnel. It all converges to your greencard application. And that Greencard application is sitting in a Warehouse handled by forklifts. Like some beer carton at Costco/Sams Club/Walmart. Isnt that what a forklift is supposed to be used for? Beer cartons? So if the forklift malfunctions and drops a few files somewhere between the stacks, your file could literally fall thru cracks and processed at the end of 18 months from now when they are closing the warehouses and backlog centers and notice a few leftover files on the floor. So that is where we stand. Our entire careers converging on a file that is handled by a forklift somewhere in Dallas or Philly.

So I humbly urge you to stop complaining that "Immigration voice is not handling the backlogs issue" because it is simply not true. And given the gravity of the situation, I request you to contribute funds so that we can get the work done to fix the problem. Please dont sit around and sing blues. Get up and speak up. Call you friends and other H1 colleagues and ask them to contribute and do the same. What would it take for you to get up out of your chair?


Eventhough I beleive, IV doesn't care about PBEC, I take your arguments as it is...

DOL made lots of mistakes in BEC processing. I don't want to talk about that. Past is Past. So here is my take on what, I feel, is possible, acheivable going forward. I except IV should focus towards achieving the following goals regarding PBEC.

1) Ability to file I-140 and I-485 while labor pending at BEC. If labor approved we get GC else no. Don't talk about the crap.. congress need to approve..., president need to approve... . This is adminstrative matter and I feel USCIS and DOL can sort out this issue.

2) Introduce preminum labor processing for BEC applications in 4 weeks. I know some of the guys in this forum may not approve this idea (you know.. those guys who worry only about H1B extension, guys who are ready to wait for ever but not ready to speand few hundred dollars). Instead of waiting for years and years this is a better option.

I do not want to post this in But this message is for If any of the IV memebers reading this message, forward it to your group.

IV members: if you are sincere in solving BEC issues, believe me, I will be in IV comunity in no time.
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As an addendum to tech guy's comments..

Assuming that all the applications are mixed up there can be a solution.

Keep 12 boxes for each year, for 5 years you have 60 boxes.

Keep 5 people to just take applications and put it in the box to which month it belongs to. Let the others start working on the first box of the first year. By the time some applications are processed, all the applications will be in their respective boxes.

If there is not enough funding to allocate people to sort applications, then charge premium fees and hire a few people. Even Mumbai dabbawallahs are renowned for sorting tiffen boxes running to lakhs everyday, and top notch business schools have taken them for doing research on how they do it. Is sorting so many applications that difficult?.

Well, I just sounded that it is so simple, am I missing something?...

Somebody please explain to me how PBEC process works?

Say they have generated 45-Day letter for a case, they received reply for 45-Day letter and are all set. From this point on, as per BEC’s previous updates they have 2 FIFO queues in each center. Lets focus on PBEC. So PBEC has 2 queues, one for RIR and another for TR cases.

Assuming RIR cases are less in numbers they get less resources and TR cases get more resources. No offense to TR guys but my case is RIR so let me dive deep into RIR case category. Further more in RIR cases there could be Regional or State level RIR cases. For Regional RIR cases basic wage verification etc should be completed as they made it out of SWA offices.
I hope the geniuses at PBEC are not treating RIR regional case same way as RIR state level cases, simple logic would suggest that RIR regional cases would need mere seconds or minutes to get through? What would need to happen for RIR regional case to get processed?
Lets go back a step, how does PBEC process RIR cases?
They look at a case, and then request information (office address, company information etc) from some local offices (say Boston office for cases submitted in MA SWA)? And wait for them to send that information? How does this information exchange happen? Through mails, phones, fax, emails, online database?

Anyone with any insights of this process?
rvb_md2001 said:
Hello all, Just wanted to share some news - got my LC Approval notice dated 02/23/06 today! :)

congrats buddy...

1 good news in all this PBEC storm here.... !!

this whole PBEC shit makes us feel we r in a sinking ship...
StressTestInUSA said:
Saknia ...

STOPPING highly impossible..they will not even look at it... Instead all the guys in PBEC and DBEC r ready to pour in some $$ for the backlog centers if they r running short of funds/manpower...

We can suggest DOL they can charge a fee for each all will be thru with this shit...Lawsuit etc will not help us out, it will make no difference to the DOL monster..

I personally feel DOL shud charge $$ for each case, but donno how much it is against their rules/policies..!! this way we will be helping DOL and ourselves out of this shit..

Whether actual stopping will succed or not is a Big Question. If we file a suit for that and that is set for hearing say after 30 days or few months every one will shake up and get up from their sleep.

Media will have something to chew and will be interested.This when you will get real media attention . Not otherwise

Paying DOL additional amount will require another Legislation and effort like what is doing now.This will involve Employers and many Big Comanies will not Buy that idea and which will delay the process
how do I know if I am EB3 or EB2?

I have master's degree but the lca was filed with requirements bachelor's degree with 3 years of exp.
Is this EB3 or EB2?

leo09 said:

I had a question for you. I am stuck in Phialdelphia backlog centre with PD of May 2002. Assuming I get my Labor certified by April 2006. I file my I140 and I485 in May 2006. Further assume that the PD is becomes current for all countries in May 2006. Then does my application filled in May 2006 processed before the application of Retreogession guys who had filled in May 2005(Before retrogession set in)? In other words am i given a preference over retro guys even though I filled for I-140 in May 2006 and they filled in May 2005?

Any help will be highly appreciated. Again on a sober note lets stay united and gracefully debate the pros and cons of various issues.


Filing for I140 is not affected by retrogression.. Nowadays it takes about 3 months, depending on service center to approve it. So as for your question... I140 is approved not by PD date.. but by recipt date that you get when you file I140..

As for I485, if your PD is current, (you are from non-retro country) yes, your case will be processed before someone who's date is not current even though he filed in 2005.

saknia said:
Whether actual stopping will succed or not is a Big Question. If we file a suit for that and that is set for hearing say after 30 days or few months every one will shake up and get up from their sleep.

Media will have something to chew and will be interested.This when you will get real media attention . Not otherwise

Paying DOL additional amount will require another Legislation and effort like what is doing now.This will involve Employers and many Big Comanies will not Buy that idea and which will delay the process

You are playing with fire.... If I am not wrong, yesterday, you advised someone who got retrenched to transfer H1 to another co and file PERM through them.. in order to continue his stay in US....

Well all of us who are in the 7th year or beyond.. are now fully dependent on H1 transfers and PERM to survive in case we get fired... By stopping PERM.... we have no other chose but to go back home...

Think about the consequences to face before you suggest something... You may not worry about getting fired or have not reached the 6th year mark... but I am in my 8th year and I believe there is no guarantee in any job... so I'll definitely not support your goal..

gcco said:
You are playing with fire.... If I am not wrong, yesterday, you advised someone who got retrenched to transfer H1 to another co and file PERM through them.. in order to continue his stay in US....

Well all of us who are in the 7th year or beyond.. are now fully dependent on H1 transfers and PERM to survive in case we get fired... By stopping PERM.... we have no other chose but to go back home...

Think about the consequences to face before you suggest something... You may not worry about getting fired or have not reached the 6th year mark... but I am in my 8th year and I believe there is no guarantee in any job... so I'll definitely not support your goal..


Whoever got us arguing wth each other must be laughing a lot now. lets stop arguing, lets stay away from this forum a couple of days, lets take PBEC out of our minds and enjoy the weekend.

you all have a nice weekend.
Good catch gcco. There are a few self-styled 'gurus' here - 'gurus' by virtue of their spending a better part of their day on this forum. This is a good place to exchange info, but take all that is dished out with a pinch of salt - we all need to do our due diligence and not act on random advice.

gcco said:
You are playing with fire.... If I am not wrong, yesterday, you advised someone who got retrenched to transfer H1 to another co and file PERM through them.. in order to continue his stay in US....

Well all of us who are in the 7th year or beyond.. are now fully dependent on H1 transfers and PERM to survive in case we get fired... By stopping PERM.... we have no other chose but to go back home...

Think about the consequences to face before you suggest something... You may not worry about getting fired or have not reached the 6th year mark... but I am in my 8th year and I believe there is no guarantee in any job... so I'll definitely not support your goal..


Originally Posted by saknia
saknia said:
Whether actual stopping will succed or not is a Big Question. If we file a suit for that and that is set for hearing say after 30 days or few months every one will shake up and get up from their sleep.

Media will have something to chew and will be interested.This when you will get real media attention . Not otherwise

Paying DOL additional amount will require another Legislation and effort like what is doing now.This will involve Employers and many Big Comanies will not Buy that idea and which will delay the process