Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

This is great news !! Finally RIR cases are getting some recognition for being RIR.... So basically reiterating your statement that if TR cases reach Oct 2002 by end of this year, then PBEC officials will be handling Oct 2002 cases in Dec 05.

Man, I can see some light to this tunnel finally...... :D

aprlc2002 said:
Yeah, may be or may be not. But, I can tell you all TR and RIR will have same date of processing by this year ending. This is for Sure.
Hi! Guys,

My company gave me a copy of my 45 day letter that they responded in Feb 2005. I want to check the status of my case with Philadelpia BEC. Anyone knows how to contact them? I know we can send an email to them, but I do not know how. I will appreciate your help if you can give me some detailed instructions.


My case is very old

Made to Reginal
45 day letter received in Feb 2005
thanks aprlc002

eefrog said:
Thanks for updating us man, your words go a long way in this dark alley.

Thanks are really valuable to the forum. the information that you bring in is not even avaiable thru our stupid higly paid attorneys also.
raj_vagc_oct02 said:
Our company attorneys called the PBEC and got this info. They say all 2001 and 2002 RIR cases who received 45 day letter will be approved in next two months i.e around Oct 15th.

This may not be a bad estimate. I just spoke to my para-legal and she mentioned that PPEC is finishing Dec. 2001 ("fourth quarter 2001") cases and moving on to Jan 2002 cases for RIR applications. No information on non-RIR cases.

Other people may also bug their lawyers or other sources to corroborate these estimates. Overall, given the history of PBEC, the news is not bad at all and hope floats...

CA PD Nov 2002, RIR
SFO RD Sept 2003
ETA: P032xx-xxxxx

Just my opinion; not a legal advice!
smallriver said:
Hi! Guys,

My company gave me a copy of my 45 day letter that they responded in Feb 2005. I want to check the status of my case with Philadelpia BEC. Anyone knows how to contact them? I know we can send an email to them, but I do

Send an enquiry email to with all your information including Philly case number. Ask for 7th year extension proof. Good luck.

You should post your case status once you get a response from BEC.
Hey aprl2002,
Thanks for your update!!
Can you or anyone else here guess why we do not see any approvals posted in RIR so far? if they are processing August '01 there should be many many approvals (thousands of april '01 cases) by now right?

aprlc2002 said:
I couldnt really stand posting after I knew something yesterday and today. Afterall we are all are waiting for the same and if some AH comments on that I should know he/She is an AH and should not be foolish for myself not sharing with my fellas.

Ok Herez the update:

If some one complains about the software glitch at PBEC it is really not software glitch it was an implementation problem with the workflow. This was happened since the guidelines were not concerte when they were published in the begining. So the certifying officers are not getting petitions which were actually intended to. that was the reason you saw some Random approvals. They have right now completed processing TR Oct2002 and RIR Aug 2001. This doesnt mean that they have all the approvals with regards to that processing date. As I mentioned some time ago, the case which made it regional and from specific states which made it earlier to PBECs are getting approved a lil bit earlier.

There are a certain number of certifying officers allocated for specific states so the problem was with the workflow software. Some officers did not care for the priority and went ahead and ceritified and some officers have raised a concern and they have to fix these issues first to proceed further.

Now everytthing seems to be synched in the whole center and expect things to followup soon.

BTW the person Rosilyn is a person to just handle calls from people like us who are curious to know more about the cases

DISCLAIMER: All the aforemnetioned info is just an assesment and cannot be prosecuted or brought under any jurisdiction of law.

This info is not for the ones who disbelive in facts and dwell in their own hallucination. you can please be in your own denial
Case Details

whatheheck said:
I can not provide anymore information about this lady. If you really want to speak to this lady, then have your lawyer or employer talk to her directly. She will definitely answer all your queries including silly questions. By the way can you provide your case details like PD, SWA, RIR/NON-RIR etc?

My case details:

PD - Nov 15 2001
State - NY
Never made it to Regional
Rec and replied 45 days letter in March

since you talked to para-legal, did she mention any approvals, earlier than Dec 2001?


vine95050 said:
This may not be a bad estimate. I just spoke to my para-legal and she mentioned that PPEC is finishing Dec. 2001 ("fourth quarter 2001") cases and moving on to Jan 2002 cases for RIR applications. No information on non-RIR cases.

Other people may also bug their lawyers or other sources to corroborate these estimates. Overall, given the history of PBEC, the news is not bad at all and hope floats...

CA PD Nov 2002, RIR
SFO RD Sept 2003
ETA: P032xx-xxxxx

Just my opinion; not a legal advice!
how do you know?

By the way how do you know that the current RIR queue is at July 02? Is this real or a speculative guess?

GC_from_NJ said:
Your case might get certified beginning of next year since the current RIR queue is at July 02 and going by the current pace and holidays taken by PBEC contractors this will be my best guess.... :confused:
Please don't shoot me on my guesstimate.. :D .. These are my views only !!
ItsTough - That was a typo... July 01 instead of July 02.... anyhow check aprlc2002's update and you will get the current RIR/TR queue status.

ItsTough said:
By the way how do you know that the current RIR queue is at July 02? Is this real or a speculative guess?
Could you share your info if you don't mind. Such as PD, RIR/Non-RIR, etc.,

indianindian said:
I just called the PBEC number and spoke to a lady and she told me my case is in final review,stage 5,does anybody know what this means and when I could get my certification.
fogman1 said:

since you talked to para-legal, did she mention any approvals, earlier than Dec 2001?


I didn't ask her specifically about approvals at her office, earlier than Dec 2001 and she didn't mention any such approvals as such. She did however mention that she had a chat with somebody in PBEC and based on that she was giving those dates. Next time I talk to her, I'll ask her about approvals at her office from PBEC and update you guys.


Thanks for sharing the information and for your regular updates.
You are very generous.

aprlc2002 said:
Yeah, may be or may be not. But, I can tell you all TR and RIR will have same date of processing by this year ending. This is for Sure.
do you have any idea of 45 days letter

aprlc2002 said:
I couldnt really stand posting after I knew something yesterday and today. Afterall we are all are waiting for the same and if some AH comments on that I should know he/She is an AH and should not be foolish for myself not sharing with my fellas.

Hi aprlc2002,
thanks for your sharing. And do you have any ideas about the 45 days letters? When do you think they will send out the letters? I have PD07/2002 from NY, do you think it's normal I still didn't get my 45 days letter yet? I had asked my lawyer and was told eventually I will get. Feel like he has the same attitude as the PBEC guys.
Thanks for any input.
Thanks for your update aprlc2002. Much appreciated.
Do you know if PBEC is going to clear all regional cases first and then move on to SWA cases? So, 2003/2004 regional cases will be approved before a 2001 SWA case.

I request everyone to please post your case details in detail as part of your signature. That will help all of us to understand your post better and not ask questions like - please post your case details.
Last edited by a moderator:
Thank you

Thanks for your update aprlc2002. Please post when you get fresh from your source

aprlc2002 said:
I couldnt really stand posting after I knew something yesterday and today. Afterall we are all are waiting for the same and if some AH comments on that I should know he/She is an AH and should not be foolish for myself not sharing with my fellas.

Ok Herez the update:

If some one complains about the software glitch at PBEC it is really not software glitch it was an implementation problem with the workflow. This was happened since the guidelines were not concerte when they were published in the begining. So the certifying officers are not getting petitions which were actually intended to. that was the reason you saw some Random approvals. They have right now completed processing TR Oct2002 and RIR Aug 2001. This doesnt mean that they have all the approvals with regards to that processing date. As I mentioned some time ago, the case which made it regional and from specific states which made it earlier to PBECs are getting approved a lil bit earlier.

There are a certain number of certifying officers allocated for specific states so the problem was with the workflow software. Some officers did not care for the priority and went ahead and ceritified and some officers have raised a concern and they have to fix these issues first to proceed further.

Now everytthing seems to be synched in the whole center and expect things to followup soon.

BTW the person Rosilyn is a person to just handle calls from people like us who are curious to know more about the cases

DISCLAIMER: All the aforemnetioned info is just an assesment and cannot be prosecuted or brought under any jurisdiction of law.

This info is not for the ones who disbelive in facts and dwell in their own hallucination. you can please be in your own denial
Thank you, aprlc2002.

aprlc2002 said:
I couldnt really stand posting after I knew something yesterday and today. Afterall we are all are waiting for the same and if some AH comments on that I should know he/She is an AH and should not be foolish for myself not sharing with my fellas.

Ok Herez the update:

If some one complains about the software glitch at PBEC it is really not software glitch it was an implementation problem with the workflow. This was happened since the guidelines were not concerte when they were published in the begining. So the certifying officers are not getting petitions which were actually intended to. that was the reason you saw some Random approvals. They have right now completed processing TR Oct2002 and RIR Aug 2001. This doesnt mean that they have all the approvals with regards to that processing date. As I mentioned some time ago, the case which made it regional and from specific states which made it earlier to PBECs are getting approved a lil bit earlier.

There are a certain number of certifying officers allocated for specific states so the problem was with the workflow software. Some officers did not care for the priority and went ahead and ceritified and some officers have raised a concern and they have to fix these issues first to proceed further.

Now everytthing seems to be synched in the whole center and expect things to followup soon.

BTW the person Rosilyn is a person to just handle calls from people like us who are curious to know more about the cases

DISCLAIMER: All the aforemnetioned info is just an assesment and cannot be prosecuted or brought under any jurisdiction of law.

This info is not for the ones who disbelive in facts and dwell in their own hallucination. you can please be in your own denial

Welcome back, aprlc2002. Your information is very helpful. God bless you.
I believe all the cases and dates should be those made to region ...

Let's hope for an official updates in September from DOL ...

justdoit said:
Thanks for your update aprlc2002. Much appreciated.
Do you know if PBEC is going to clear all regional cases first and then move on to SWA cases? So, 2003/2004 regional cases will be approved before a 2001 SWA case.

I request everyone to please post your case details in detail as part of your signature. That will help all of us to understand your post better and not ask questions like - please post your case details.
Regional vs SWA

Hi aprlc2002 and all,
My Case

PD 01/2004 case went to Philadelphia regional on 03/2004.
Received 45 day letter in Mid March 05 and responded in late March 05.
EB3 / RIR Case
BEC#: P04278-XXXXX
Country of Origin: Singapore

Given that I have received my 45 days letter, but my PD is late in the queue, I am trying to decide if I should re-file and go with PERM. For re-file, I can file under EB2 / RIR since I got promoted.

I wonder if you or anyone know the following are true?
1) PBEC will process RIR regional case first rather than RIR SWA. [It seems to me that all TR regional cases are process first, so I am wondering if RIR regional will be process first?]
2) PBEC will process cases based on FIFO of the BEC Tracking #. i.e. P04278-XXXXX

Thanks for the help!
