Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Let me ask you guys one thing

I have been a silent reader too.
I am fully supporting what you guys are doing. I don't want to tackle any
However, one question keep bothering me.
One of complaints in letters, faxes, or emails is
that your spouse can't get a job even with high degree due to her status.
However, that is not a whole true story. isn't it?
If she had qualification and could find her own sponsor, then she could apply her own h1b visa and her gc too. They had had 6yrs to find a job.
Am i missing something?

And another one is I also could buy a house without discrimination but that was 3 yrs ago. Until last year, there was no such thing to check the status of residency. However my loan officer friend said
that now there is a process to check the status in applying mort.
In case of H1B or F1, the process and rate is different.
I know that is true because recently my friend (F1)tried to get a mortgage.
They checked his visa status and treated differently from US citizen.
Yes, higher rate and more than 20% down....

This is Maryland story. I don't know other states.
My experience with home buying / mortgage application was fine. All they wanted was a copy of my H1B Visa. I got a very good rate based on my FICO score and I dont think my status played any part in that decision.

But recently, I tried to open a CD account with, and they denied it saying that only citizens or permanent residents can open account with them. I was totally shocked to see that message. But I did not have anything to loose as there are so many other institutions offering high interest rates these days for CDs.

GCNaseeb said:
I have been a home owner since 2003. According to my experience, many don't even consider your loan application if you are not a citizen or permanent resident (Green Card holder). And out of very few lenders, you are limited to their terms and have no scope to negotiate the interest rate. And also if your spouse is on H4 visa, she has to sign a bond and indicate that she does not hold any interest in the property. This is very true especially if you are in California.
venram said:
My experience with home buying / mortgage application was fine. All they wanted was a copy of my H1B Visa. I got a very good rate based on my FICO score and I dont think my status played any part in that decision.

But recently, I tried to open a CD account with, and they denied it saying that only citizens or permanent residents can open account with them. I was totally shocked to see that message. But I did not have anything to loose as there are so many other institutions offering high interest rates these days for CDs.

Also when it comes to life insurance not many insurance guys are willing to give one if you are not a permanent resident.
Your PD is 3/2001 . Even if EB-3 you should be good to go with an approved I-140. You preserve your PD as you have approved I-140. The new employer would need to file for a new I140. At the same time you can file for concurrent I-485 as your PD seems current.

Good Luck.

rajlion said:
Hi Saknia,

My story might be quite similar to quite a few guys. I was working as a Consultant on the client site and I had my labor (approved March 2001) and I-140 approved (approx around Aug, 2001). The client was after my life to join him as an employee. I joined him as an employee in Sep' 2001 and he applied for my labor in Mar'2002 and since then i have been waiting.

Please advise if I would be able to use my earlier PD (March 2001) from the old employer since I have 140 approved.

And, when is my turn coming for labor approval.... :confused:

My details :
Old PD : March 2001
New PD : March 2002
45DL replied : Oct, 2005
Last edited by a moderator:
Children of GC aspirants

One of the biggest issues that I see impacts children - esp. if they are ready to go to college. They are treated very differently - not eligible for aid or scholarships, cannot work part-time jobs, not eligible for loans. I am paying heavily for my son, who just entered college, even though he graduated from high school with a 3.8GPA. Most of his friends with a 3.0 GPA are almost fully funded.
Also, I would need to move him to an F1, before he hits 21, because he cannot stay on H4, once he is 21, even though he is fully dependent on me.

key1973 said:
I have been a silent reader too.
I am fully supporting what you guys are doing. I don't want to tackle any
However, one question keep bothering me.
One of complaints in letters, faxes, or emails is
that your spouse can't get a job even with high degree due to her status.
However, that is not a whole true story. isn't it?
If she had qualification and could find her own sponsor, then she could apply her own h1b visa and her gc too. They had had 6yrs to find a job.
Am i missing something?

And another one is I also could buy a house without discrimination but that was 3 yrs ago. Until last year, there was no such thing to check the status of residency. However my loan officer friend said
that now there is a process to check the status in applying mort.
In case of H1B or F1, the process and rate is different.
I know that is true because recently my friend (F1)tried to get a mortgage.
They checked his visa status and treated differently from US citizen.
Yes, higher rate and more than 20% down....

This is Maryland story. I don't know other states.
Try applying for Discover Card

orangs said:
I would like to comment on some of points raised by you, I think those are
not valid at least to my knowledge and my experience.
1. I don't know of any restrictions on applying for a mortgage. The rate is
the same for any body who has a decent credit report. I know lot of my friends whose LC is pending in PBEC bought house and they did not have any problems obtaining the loan and they did get competitive rates.
2. Driver's license having the immigration status is not in all states, I got my licence this month and I am in 7 year H1B, my license does not have any
immigration status, In fact I was not even asked for my Immigration docs.
This is true for my wife, she got her lic renewed Nov 2005.
3. Bank asking for status and giving rates is also something none of my
friends experienced.

I n my opinion, if you have to send these to any of the media or anybody,
I think we have to send ONLY FACTS not something that is made up.

Try applying for Discover Card. They will reject the application if applicant is not a citizen or PR. I got rejected in the same way for being too truthful.
Minor correction: yes, you retain the PD. But the new employer starts all over again with the LC, and you can apply for I-140/485 with the earlier (3/2001) PD.

A google will generate lot of material on this topic.

bigbang2001 said:
Your PD is 3/2001 . Even if EB-3 you should be good to go with an approved I-140. You preserve your PD as you have approved I-140. The new employer would need to file for a new I140. At the same time you can file for concurrent I-485 as your PD seems current.

Good Luck.
Labor Approved, CA PD July 31 2002

I have been a silent observer in this forum.
Today I got an email from attorney that my labor certification has been approved.

My PD : July 31 2002
45-day letter replied: Feb 15 2005
H1b or permanent residency is not same for getting a loan

For those who says/believes that there is no discrimination for being on H1, I would say that I personally had very bad experience for not having citizenship or permanent residency. This is not any of my friends' experience, but it is my own experience. I was not charged a different rate, but I was asked for a certificate from my employer that my green card application is already been filed proving my 'intent of permanent residency'! I had to litterally fight for this with the banker on the day of the closing to get the loan!

Besides this, whatever NeverGreen has mentioned is really horrible.


Can you please post first few numbers of ETA case number, if you know.


sck3 said:
I have been a silent observer in this forum.
Today I got an email from attorney that my labor certification has been approved.

My PD : July 31 2002
45-day letter replied: Feb 15 2005
Thanks coolestone.
I don't remember the ETA case number exactly.
I think it starts with P-04309.
I will confirm it tomorrow.
labor approved

Folks, wanted to let you know that my labor was approved from PBEC today.PD-july 2002, type-non RIR, 45 day letter - feb 2005, state - TN. thanks.
NoMoreSilence said:
For those who says/believes that there is no discrimination for being on H1, I would say that I personally had very bad experience for not having citizenship or permanent residency. This is not any of my friends' experience, but it is my own experience. I was not charged a different rate, but I was asked for a certificate from my employer that my green card application is already been filed proving my 'intent of permanent residency'! I had to litterally fight for this with the banker on the day of the closing to get the loan!

Besides this, whatever NeverGreen has mentioned is really horrible.

gawd...these r all horror stories...! Somehow here in NJ, they never cared much, atleast in my case, they just approved my mortgage loan at ABN Amro in 2003. Maybe offlate they have changed.

Who is going to spend 1000s in dollars for the freaking rent..!! atleast on mortgage,even if u dont make money,u may get back what u spent while u sell the house..!!

In all this miseries, nice to hear 2 approvals on the same day...!!
Just Curious

To the people who get labor approved recently --

Has your lawyer or employee instigated an enquiry about the status of your case or any other issue with BEC in the past few months.

Or the last time you/employee/lawyer has the words exchanged with BEC at the time of 45-days notice and then you were wondering what is happening to your case and one good day your recieve the approval notice.

I was just curious if enquiries has any effect on the speed of approvals??
NoMoreSilence said:
For those who says/believes that there is no discrimination for being on H1, I would say that I personally had very bad experience for not having citizenship or permanent residency. This is not any of my friends' experience, but it is my own experience. I was not charged a different rate, but I was asked for a certificate from my employer that my green card application is already been filed proving my 'intent of permanent residency'! I had to litterally fight for this with the banker on the day of the closing to get the loan!

I too have a very bad experience with Wells Fargo Mortgage company just because of My status. Based on My Fico score and my original loan status, they call me and give me an offered to refinance my mortgage with special rate and no fee at all (which is not many people can get this offered, only the one with very good credit score) so I agree with the offered.
All went ok till they asked my resident status and I honestly answer that I'm in H1b visa. Suddenly everything went down the hill. They give me so much hard time, start by asked me to send the proof of my H1b from INS then asked me to provided them with Working permit Card (like green card/driver license card which I never had except for my OPT) from INS. Try to explain to them that the only card I had from INS is the one that Attach in the botom of INS Approval, still not enough. They rejected me because they told me the document that I have from INS is not the same with the one that they have from the other applicants :) isn't funny. They offered me the rate at the first place then they try so hard to reject me :)

At lease I still have my original loan OK.

Botom line everything is depend on the Lender and it is true that Non resident will treated differently from the financial institution. But I believe it because they worry that we won't pay our debt. We can just bail out from this country without paying the mortgage and never return so they have to back up them self :)

for people that never have any problem with the financial institution regardless their status should be happy and feel lucky. BUT no need to critize or say bad thing too people that has bad experience.

That's why we need this LC so bad hope all of us get get out from this PBEC mess soon.
orangs said:
I would like to comment on some of points raised by you, I think those are
not valid at least to my knowledge and my experience.
1. I don't know of any restrictions on applying for a mortgage. The rate is
the same for any body who has a decent credit report. I know lot of my friends whose LC is pending in PBEC bought house and they did not have any problems obtaining the loan and they did get competitive rates.
2. Driver's license having the immigration status is not in all states, I got my licence this month and I am in 7 year H1B, my license does not have any
immigration status, In fact I was not even asked for my Immigration docs.
This is true for my wife, she got her lic renewed Nov 2005.
3. Bank asking for status and giving rates is also something none of my
friends experienced.

I n my opinion, if you have to send these to any of the media or anybody,
I think we have to send ONLY FACTS not something that is made up.

I have some comments for your objections.
1. Now lot of Lenders have started to look for the immigration status before giving a loan. I have lot of friends who have got bad experiance it this matter

2 By 2007 or 2008 all states will have this restriction on the DL. Lot of people have difficulty in getting/ Renewing DL because of the H1/H4 status.
Some states we will be getting the DL only upto the H1 visa period.
congratulations !! good luck to the next stage.

sck3 said:
I have been a silent observer in this forum.
Today I got an email from attorney that my labor certification has been approved.

My PD : July 31 2002
45-day letter replied: Feb 15 2005
everything is about money ...

When the interest rate is low and everyone wants to buy house, lender will do whatever they can to provide you the money .

Nowadays I wander how many people can truely afford a house with a 6-7% 30 years fixed rate .

Sorry to hear people with bad experience .

katrina17 said:
I too have a very bad experience with Wells Fargo Mortgage company just because of My status. Based on My Fico score and my original loan status, they call me and give me an offered to refinance my mortgage with special rate and no fee at all (which is not many people can get this offered, only the one with very good credit score) so I agree with the offered.
All went ok till they asked my resident status and I honestly answer that I'm in H1b visa. Suddenly everything went down the hill. They give me so much hard time, start by asked me to send the proof of my H1b from INS then asked me to provided them with Working permit Card (like green card/driver license card which I never had except for my OPT) from INS. Try to explain to them that the only card I had from INS is the one that Attach in the botom of INS Approval, still not enough. They rejected me because they told me the document that I have from INS is not the same with the one that they have from the other applicants :) isn't funny. They offered me the rate at the first place then they try so hard to reject me :)

At lease I still have my original loan OK.

Botom line everything is depend on the Lender and it is true that Non resident will treated differently from the financial institution. But I believe it because they worry that we won't pay our debt. We can just bail out from this country without paying the mortgage and never return so they have to back up them self :)

for people that never have any problem with the financial institution regardless their status should be happy and feel lucky. BUT no need to critize or say bad thing too people that has bad experience.

That's why we need this LC so bad hope all of us get get out from this PBEC mess soon.
It is the last day of July

When will we the approval of August 2002?

sck3 said:
I have been a silent observer in this forum.
Today I got an email from attorney that my labor certification has been approved.

My PD : July 31 2002
45-day letter replied: Feb 15 2005
NewAflatoon said:
To the people who get labor approved recently --

Has your lawyer or employee instigated an enquiry about the status of your case or any other issue with BEC in the past few months.

Or the last time you/employee/lawyer has the words exchanged with BEC at the time of 45-days notice and then you were wondering what is happening to your case and one good day your recieve the approval notice.

I was just curious if enquiries has any effect on the speed of approvals??

I've been a silent observer for a while, but decided to be brave today. Anyway, what is BEC ??? My labor certification was filed under 245 i in 2001 and I got my labor certification in December(approximately 4years after) I just petitioned for I140 on April 11 and got a receipt .I've checked the processing dates, and they're at January 17 2006. Hopefully I will hear from USCIS sometime this year.
