petition against Mr. Lou Dobbs


Registered Users (C)
Hello All,

Thanks for the overwhelming response to my previous thread on Mr Lou Dobbs, thanks to poongunranar and or1or2 for valuable inputs and tombaan for publicising it.

Well the peition is just created and is (finally):D online. You can access the petition at

Please read, sign and popularize this petition (if you agree with the contents). Please send it to any Inidian-American organization and also friends in India (The issue might be of interest to them too)

Would this petition have any effect? I don't know. A petition by Muslims on the same site which collected 6000+ signatures got a response from CNN. I am sure we can attempt to collect a lot more signatures.
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Thanks for the efforts. It's good that Indians voice their concerns against such hate crime promoters like Lou Dobbs than being the silent spectator and tolerant citizen.

A small-step, but this demonstrates, how anger can be translated to action. Trickles may well progress to deluge in future.

Great stuff. Congrats to rcetc, tombaan, or1or2, and all. Just now signed the petition.
It's not Money Line any more

rcete, his program is not Money Line any more. Its Lou Dobbs Tonight.

You may change the content of the petition accordingly.
it is high time

we indians mobilized in this country irrespective of our difference and burdens from back home
with our money power and level of intelligence our influence on the social structure here is almost nil. one of the many reasons is small splinter groups and second as long as i have my car and house who the f*** care3s what happens to anyone else?

hope things change and....

Thanks all for signing the petition. Please remember to get your family members and friends to sign it too.

Now begins the tough part, getting more and more people to see it and sign it. We should probably work on the link sent by or1or2 about Indian-American organizations. Let us see where the journey takes us to....

Tombaan I agree we should get more organised in fighting for issues. Why don't we start a new yahoo group about Wrongful depiction of Indian-Ameircans in American media, that way we can create a mailing list and need not discuss non-immigration related issues in this forum. (Probably we can get back to this board once we finalize something to popularize it) Since I am really constrained for time right now with my 3 month old son keeping me awake all night :( :( :( ....I won't be suitable for a moderator, but count on me to participate actively any such group

We should mail it to as many friends as we possibly can. I am sure our word will spread around.

You should post this in the other areas of this site as well. H-1's, other visa categories etc. I am sure you will get more responses.
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I think..

another option could be using Lou Dobbs show it self to present our case... I was watching it earlier this week and this some one (don't remember the name any more) said to be representing Indian community (for political awareness) was on the show...and let me tell you that, if we have some one like that representing Indian community and outsourcing or whatever; we don't need Lou Dobbs like people. He was pathetic...I guess Lou him self might 've picked him that he/his followers can laugu their ***** off...
Out petition has got on to a reasonably good start.

tr22, do you know which are the most polular sub-forums. Yes this is very much relevant for H1 holders who have not begun the green-card process too. I saw one of the H1 forums and there was hardly 10 posts in it. Fell free to put a link to this anywhere.

goastros, I checked the indiacause website. I set a e-mail to them yesterday to - but the e-mail seemed to bounce back :( . Probably I will try the other e-mail addresses listed in their site too. If you can also contact them and get a response from them that would be great.

PradK, unfortunately I had the pleasure of watching the show where Lou had an Indian guy. You were right that guy looked hand-picked by Lou to be one of the most foolish unconvincing Indians. Also Lou would cut him short and give a cynical look the very few times this Indian guy statrted uttering any sense

Thanks savant123456. Spread the word around buddy....
Great Work Guys

I too signed this.To make it more effective, I would suggest someone like rcetc keep summarizing all we need to do (like we summarize the status of all cases in H1B revalidation forum).

All of us should e-mail ll we know asking them to sign the petition. Try to send individual e-mails instead of CC-ing to everyone. This way it will carry the importance and also will not go in to Junk mail. Don't put the subject as 'Sign the petition', Instead 'Help stop bad image for the Indians' or something similar.

Thanks to all of you guys, for doing and supporting a good work.
Thanks young16 and tr22..
tr22, I can take up the reponsibilty of posting this petition in the other forums

Great work guys... we are approaching 100 signatures within 24 hours!! This is without roping in any of the Indian-American organizations and our colleagues in India.

This shows the seething anger among us and that we can get united for a cause. BAsh and hgc I did send a couple of letters to Lou Dobbs using the feedback form. Of course they were totally ignored. I feel once we get enough signatures - we might then send the link to our petition through CNNs feedback form. They won't be able to ignore it so easily then.....
Guys.... there is a bit of problem in our petition. CNN seems to have realized the futility of calling their program "Lou Dobbs Moneyline" and have changed the name to "Lou Dobbs Tonight". Thanks vtandvg for pointing out that

This would effect some parts of our peititon.

I called their number and they said that that they would make the change (it might take a little time since it is a free site).

Please continue signing/popularizing the peitition.
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Thanks Nkelkar..... We are over the 100 mark within 24 hours..... Great work eveybody.

Like young16 suggested the subject of the mail to your friends/Inidan-American organization could be 'Help stop bad image for the Indians'. The body could be as below (just a suggestion)
Because of the 1000 character limitation I am posting it below
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I beleive that CNN anchorman Lou Dobbs has tarnished the image of Indian-Americans by repeatedly potraying all of them as "low-paid American-job stealers". This is firstly an insult to us and secondly it would generate hate among the American public towards Indians.

While you might be true "A barking dog never bites", it is also true that "If a dog barks long and loud enough the listening neibhour would bite". Never underestimate the power of American media in influencing the American psyche -case in point "Operation Iraqi Freedom" the threat of Saddam was largely created by the American media.

While I am not predicting doomsday for us it might become a problem someday. So it is better to show our Indian unity and nip this problem in the bud.
Please take a moment to read the petition
Sign it if you agree with it and spread this mail around to other Indian-American/Indian friends. Let the media know of our anger.