petition against Lou Dobbs of CNN


Registered Users (C)
This petition might be of general importance to all Indian-Americans.
If you follow Mr. Lou Dobbs program on CNN you might know that he repeatedly potrays all of Inidan-Americans as "low-paid American-job stealers". This is firstly an insult to us and secondly it would generate hate among the American public towards Indians. Never underestimate the power of American media in influencing the American psyche -case in point "Operation Iraqi Freedom" the threat of Saddam was largely created by the American media.

The peititon which was posted just yesterday and already gathering steam is at

The main thread in immigration forum is

Please sign the petition if you agree and spread the word. Let the media know of your anger at partisan coverage.

Legal Immigrants of this country does not take jobs away from Americans.

People such as Lou Dobbs should know better. Legal Immigrants of this country are filling jobs that cannot be filled by its own citizens. Does he even understand the painful process of obtaining a H1 to Green Card? I doubt it. Simple ignorance.

Legal immigrants are low paid servants?? I bet the average income of Legal Immigrants seeking green cards is much higher than an average American.

Most jobs are lost b/c u.s. companies simply cannot compete until they moved their factories overseas. There are jobs out there in the economy to be fulfilled. The American Citizens must educate and train themselves to become qualified to fill the jobs in the high tech sector. Until then, these jobs will be filled by Legal Immigrants.

Read this article about Wal-Mart...
approaching 300 signatures after 1 day

Guys we are fast approaching 300 mark on signature!!

We are also No 15 in activity among the thousands and thousands of active petition in the site.... Thanks Guys!!!

It might get tough for us to maintain the momentum because of the oncoming Thanksgiving holidays. But if each one of us can rope in just 4 other friends/family members we could ealisy reach 1000 soon. Also please try to popularize it among Indian-American organizations.

Would this petition have any effect? Well it would at least show CNN that a large number of people are united and would not tolerate such shows. And CNN surely would not like to lose viewership among one of the fastest growing and one of the richest immigrant community (Indian-Americans) and one of the fastest growing markets (India).
At least they would sit up and take note

Since I don't visit this forum often (I visit the TSC 485 fourm), can someone take the repsonibilty of keeping this thread active here?
Should, would, could doesn't make any difference in this world. You gotta do something in this world. We are gold diggers and there is no question about that....unless the economy improves and population goes down drastically at home these things are bound to happen.......the question is not about would we feel if we had Bangladeshis come up in our country and take our jobs ?
I went through some transcripts

of the Lou Dobbs show... didnt find a single instance of the term "low-paid job-stealer". The petition will be more valid if you provide the date(s) that he said it.

Re: I went through some transcripts

I think Lou is mainly talking about software jobs being outsourced to India. Would you guys prefer to work here or have your job moved to India ???..

Originally posted by patienceGC
of the Lou Dobbs show... didnt find a single instance of the term "low-paid job-stealer". The petition will be more valid if you provide the date(s) that he said it.

Well said sai-2367...

You will be surprised how many folks in this forum support the idea that outsourcing IT jobs to India is great?.

Lou Dobbs is one who opposes it. But there are millions of Americans talking about it daily. It is 'but natural' if he or any other American made any remarks against outsourcing, if 'American' jobs are going out of the country...

In my opinion this is a non issue.....

rcetc try somewhere else.... We on this forum will not be divided based on your rhetoric. Perhaps you can try the same in Texas the home of the ***hole president of the United States.
To each their own views buddy. If you think Lou Dobbs is a champion and I shouldn't post here - I repect you view and will not post in this forum anymore. No need to get so worked up about it.

Here is a link, if you are interested (It is not written by any Desi guy....)

Read it and you will know that he is against Mexican immigrants, outsourcing and foreign high tech workers (which is us). He targets groups weekely - one week he is agains undocumented workters next he is against Indian high tech workers.

neither Vashi17 nor sai have any right to ask you not to post. This is a free forum owned by Rajiv Khanna so no one else can stop you from posting what you want.

As for outsourcing, its inevitable. Get trained in new skills. In this industry if you are not constantly in touch with the new things, you will lose. I see people here who even oppose H1b. The very same people who used it to get here. BTW how many so called American-wannabe patriots drive American cars? Just curious
Re: rctec

I never asked him not to post this. He is free to do whatever he pleases in this forum. I was just asking a question, without any prejudice. Is outsourcing in general a good idea ? It may be or may not be.
BTW. I signed the petition.

Originally posted by patienceGC
neither Vashi17 nor sai have any right to ask you not to post. This is a free forum owned by Rajiv Khanna so no one else can stop you from posting what you want.

As for outsourcing, its inevitable. Get trained in new skills. In this industry if you are not constantly in touch with the new things, you will lose. I see people here who even oppose H1b. The very same people who used it to get here. BTW how many so called American-wannabe patriots drive American cars? Just curious
Thanks patienceGC for your kind comments.
One of the things which triggered me into this petition apart from Lou Dobbs was a message in MSN's finance message board. It read:
"A few days back I saw a group of Indians partying in a park. I wouldn't have paid much attention to it a few years back - but now I get angy because they are partying with OUR JOBS"

This message was widely supported in the board.
The persons didn't event think that the people "partying" might be Indian American citizens/GC holders -leave alone people like us. I am pretty sure that such Americans are influenced by the media.
Look, unless you do a skin surgery like whacko-jacko you will never be considered a true American. That is a fact. So do stick to "our people"
sai, of course I am not a fan of outsourcing. But anyone ever talk of outsourcing to Isreal and Ireland and Thailand f.y.i outsourcing happens there too. My company (a Fortune-100 company) is outsourcing to Turkey.
Petition is reaching 1.2K.....

Thanks to all the people who supported the petition and passed it on to friends, we are approaching 1.2 K in 5 days. We are surely past the MINIMUM now.
I am proposing to keep the petition up for another 20 or so days so that we can get in more signatures. If we reach 5K or more, I am sure CNN will at least take note of our issues -hopefully they might act on it. So let us aim for the MAXIMUM :)