Permanent Resident of Another Country


Registered Users (C)

Supposing US immigrant visa (GC) is approved will we have to give up PR status of another country that we are currently holding ??
I have a situation like that and ideally I would like to retain PR staus of both the countries if possible !!


It is difficult to answer this question not knowing which is the other country. But, if you hold Canadian, USA or 95% European Permanent Residencies then There is a physical presence clause which requires an individual to physcially reside in that country for a certain duration in a given year. For USA, a PR cannot be outside the country for more than 180 days in a 365 day year with some exceptions.
There are countries w/o such requirements - an example is Singapore. But of course Singapore has other means to keep you tied to their country w/o your actual physical presence.

But I completely agree with your logic and this does answer my question.


I have Australian PR residency and my US residency is 3 months away. Does it mean when i accept US residency i loss Australia residency. If after 5 years i want US citizenship will have australia PR stamp on my passport have any issues. Now for Australia u can be out of the country for about 4 1/2 years and still maintain pr
I think you'll be able to keep your Australian PR as long as you have your current passport but as soon as you get your US passport you'll lose your PR status in Australia.

Again this is what I think will happen. Comments are welcome.