PERM Job minimum requirements


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I have MS+4, sound like I should be able to get EB2 easily, however, it took 6 months for my lawyer and manager for the job description , and the lawyer won't agree with the job description my section manager give , because it is too detailed, looks like designed for someone.So my manager now agree to change it, before he inisists puting more could help with my case etc etc.

So could someone please help to take a look at this?
They put requirement as MS+4,
and required:
4 years of experience in XXX design and implementation including AA,BBB,CCC,DDD,EEE,FFF,GGG...(total 7)

4 years of experience in XXX,YYY,ZZZ,UUU.
(total 4)
2 years of experience in database design , including database design and database adminstration(total 2)

experiecne include installshield,XXX etc.

and my title is senior web deveoper.

Anyone can give some suggestions or where can I got some sample job description for perm?
Thanks a lot!
Write the actual minimum reqs at the company for the position. Don't tailor it to your qualifications and experiences. Depending on other similar positions at the company, the employer should come up with standard set of reqs. As long as you mention MS, you qualify for EB2, so don't worry about putting too much experience. Also write the major skills used for job, not too many. There can be other job related reasons to disqualify the applicants but don't put the reqs too high which will surely be selected for audit. Also when you put MS+4, the PWD would come high.