PERM EB2 Qualification Issue


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My old attorney ran the ad. with the job (Sr. Software Engineer) requirements - MS+3 yrs or BS+5 yrs progressive experience, and he left the firm a 3 weeks back. Now, the new attorney says that we can't use this ad and have to start over again with requirements MS+3 or BS+5. Really it's painful. I was waiting almost 3 months since we started the 1st ad.

Here is my problem: When i joined my current employer i had 7.5 years, but as of LC filing date i do have 8 years experience.

Do you think, MS+3yrs (BS+5yrs) can be approved under EB2 ? If so, Will i face any problem in I-140 stage?
Why do you have to re-advertise? The way you describe it here both ads would be identical.
What degree do you yourself?
Thanks for your reply GC_2006. I do have BS (Engeering)degree. The problem with the ad is that MS+3 yrs is not equivalent to BS+ 5 yrs.
Ok, it is becoming clearer now.

PERM_2005 said:
The new ad should indicate MS+3 or BS+8 yrs exp.

Someone on the Murthy forum got Software Engineer EB-2 approved with either MS+0 yrs or BS+5 you should take a look at that.

I am quite confused about the whole issue myself. How could any employer want MS+0 for senior position?
I have MS+7 experience myself - am I way overqualified and we need to prove business necessity? At least according to what the lawyer said we need to prove business necessity for EB-2 software engineer.