PERM Denied..Pls Help!!


Registered Users (C)
I just checkd the status of my application online and it said denied. I am yet to find the exact reason for the failure from my attorney but the initial question comes to my mind is:

On Form 9089:

H 4-B: Major feild of study?
Computer Science

H 7: Alternate field acceptable?

J 12: Alien Major Field of study?
Computer Applications

Does this have to do anything with the perm denial as it does not match the primary requirement. Please let me know if this could be the case for Denial and how it can be rectified and the case can be refiled(if at all it can be refiled). Highle appreciate the help.

I will post more details on the denial, soon.

First Denial:5/10
Category: EB2, MS+2
It should have said "Computer Science or related".

Computer Applications would qualify under "related" category.

Also, we don't know the exact reason for denial yet. It is best to wait for the denial letter and then develop strategies for re-filing.

Good luck!
Time to get the denial letter

Thank you so much mvinays.

Can you please tell me typically how long does it take to recieve the letter? Is there a way where the attorney can check the reason for denial online?

Please let me know
LookingForGC said:
Thank you so much mvinays.

Can you please tell me typically how long does it take to recieve the letter? Is there a way where the attorney can check the reason for denial online?

Please let me know

It usually takes one to two weeks to receive denial letter after status chages to "Denied" on the website.

DOL does not post the reason for denial on the PERM website. They only display the status as "In Process", "Certified" or "Denied". So your attorney cannot check the reason for denial online.

It is best to wait for the denial letter before refiling.
mvinays said:
It usually takes one to two weeks to receive denial letter after status chages to "Denied" on the website.

DOL does not post the reason for denial on the PERM website. They only display the status as "In Process", "Certified" or "Denied". So your attorney cannot check the reason for denial online.

It is best to wait for the denial letter before refiling.

Hi mvinays and All,

Thanks for all your help... My labor finally got approved. In the additional ad requirements section for professional position, my attorney entered 4 ad options instead of three and out of those four, 2 were in the 30 day prior deadline as opposed to 1 required by the DOL. My lawyer prepared new form with 3 ads and re-aplied and my case got approved today.

PD: 4/11/06
First Denial: 5/10/06
Re-aplied: 5/17/06
Certified: 5/31/06
LookingForGC said:
Hi mvinays and All,

Thanks for all your help... My labor finally got approved. In the additional ad requirements section for professional position, my attorney entered 4 ad options instead of three and out of those four, 2 were in the 30 day prior deadline as opposed to 1 required by the DOL. My lawyer prepared new form with 3 ads and re-aplied and my case got approved today.

PD: 4/11/06
First Denial: 5/10/06
Re-aplied: 5/17/06
Certified: 5/31/06


You are welcome.

Did your employer get a sponsorship e-mail questionnaire after re-applying?
If yes, did your employer also get a confirmation e-mail that says case will continue processing after answering the sponsorship e-mail questionnaire?

Please share more details.
mvinays said:

You are welcome.

Did your employer get a sponsorship e-mail questionnaire after re-applying?
If yes, did your employer also get a confirmation e-mail that says case will continue processing after answering the sponsorship e-mail questionnaire?

Please share more details.

No, my employer did not get any sponsorship email. We got the denial letter with the mentioned reason and reapplied the next day with the changes and got certified.

I will be gald to answer any more questions.
Thanks again.
LookingForGC said:
No, my employer did not get any sponsorship email. We got the denial letter with the mentioned reason and reapplied the next day with the changes and got certified.

I will be gald to answer any more questions.
Thanks again.

I need your help...Do you know if DOL was doing mistakes in AD..What should I do know to cancel the AD?