PERM application filed


Registered Users (C)
My Perm application is not yet filed. It is supposed to be filed within some days. My son is already 20 years old and he will be 21 by May 2006. I am worried about him as he is on dependent visa(H4 visa) and I am on H1 visa which are finishing in Nov 2006(6 years).

Please help me to understand it
1) As he cross 20 years of age, would his H4 visa be valid till Nov 2006

2) If I140 application is filed before he cross to 20 years then can we both get 1 year extended H1 and H4 visas.

3) If I140 application is not filed before May 2006 then if I transfer him to student visa, then later on when I file my I 140 application, can I put his application along with me.