Pending FBI Name Check for 8 months after local interview


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Pending FBI Name Check for 8 months after local interview at Newark, NJ

Interviewed on April 14 with Newark, NJ BCIS district office. Still pending for FBI Name Check after 8 months of the interview date! Are the FBI and BCIS doing their work !!! Our cases were transferred from Vermont Service Center at the end of January of 2003.

Vote on the question: when FBI name checks are ordered ?

(A) On the date of first fingerprint notice
(B) Any date before transfer date to local office
(C) Between date of transfer and date of interview
(D) On interview date
(E) some date after interview date

My vote is (E), otherwise I couldn't conceive any explanation for my case.
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How do you find out if your case is pending because of FBI name check? I had my interview in August and I'm still waiting for approval.
On my interview receipt, the interview officer put a check mark in front of the second item (total 7 items on that standard form) which reads as the following and specifically the word "CIA" in it was circled by the officer.

______ Your case is being held due to a fingerprint check/CIA/Security check which is required prior to adjustment of status. Please allow an additional 90 days from today's date or the date of your new fingerprint processing date before you make inquiry so that we may complete the security check and advise you accordingly of a decision.

Later on, when I visited the local office to check our case status in person on Sep 15, Nov 4, Dec 11, I was told that our cases are pending FBI Name Check though fingerprints were already cleared. I am confused whether it is CIA or FBI check or both. I asked them and did not get the clarification on that.

Actually on Nov 4, a supervisor gave me another receipt for my visit on which she wrote:
" Name checks pending for Sec 245 case as of 11-04-03".
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I had my interview at Garden City, NY under EB3 category. I don't know anything about an interview receipt. What I was given was a final request form, and I had to submit one other document to the officer before she made a decision on the case. That was in aug. Sept the documents were submitted in person and the letter was stamped. Now I'm just waiting to hear from her. It's been about 3 months now. I'm not sure if the FBI/CIA name check is holding up my case.
Why don't go check your status in person?

Another guy who was interviewed on the same date as I and received a request form at the end of his interview, was asked to mail in his marriage certificate and tax returns so that his interview officer could make a final decision on his and his wife's cases. He submitted them in April 2003 and got approval 6 months later. It looks like their CIA/FBI checks were already cleared before their interview. We kept updating each other after interview by phone.

So if your case is like his, that is good because CIA/FBI checks take much longer than requesting for extra documents.
I had to submit another employment letter and a financial report from the company because of job changes. Which my lawyer told me was not necessary, he didn't understand why the officer asked for that. I guess if I don't hear anything by the end of this year I will have to go in person and check the status of the case. The officer told me that as soon as she got those documents she will make a decision on the case, she did mention that everything else was in order and all she required was those two documents. I even went in person to give it to people at the desk. Where did your friend go for his interview? I went to Garden City, NY.
We didn't know each other before. We met in Newark, NJ BCIS office when coincidently his and my interviews took place on the same day. While waiting, We started talking and exchanged our phone numbers.
Yours case is really horrible.

In NJ we are forming a group to contact congressman, senators and other activities to reduce backlogs. If you are interested, please send me a PM with your email. I can add you in the group mail.
