Pending 485 with out RFE for 900 plus days please psot


Registered Users (C)
I am curious to know how many of us are still here whose case is pendin> 900 days with TSC and have no RFE? Please psot

Check out goastros' Membership file.

It will give you a broad view of where many of us are.
I wanted to see how may of us do not have RFE...It has been so long since I received any communication with TSC.
I wanted to see how may of us do not have RFE...It has been so long since I received any communication from TSC.
I know how you feel. I've started thinking that maybe they lost my case, or maybe they didn't get my changeof address, or maybe they didn't update my lawyer's change of address, or maybe.........


Here is my collection of the oldest cases still pending at TSC. All of them are over 900 days.

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Thanks for the information. My case is 993 old. Contacted senators office. They informed me tht they are waiting on background check. Caled FBI fingurprint was cleared in Feb 2003. I dont know if they are doing a name check. I have faxed and left messages at FBI. No reply yet. I am so frustrated. I do not have a RFE either. My case ws last touched on Jan 28th 2004, I guess when my EAD was approved.

I wanted to check how many are in this situation no RFE but pending 900 plus days.

I would really appreciate people writing about this.
What is your receipt date?
Is your case employment based?
If so what is your EB category?
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Curious George,

Here is my details

My RD is Aug 10th 2001.
I am EB-2 India.
My FB - Feb 2003.
Location: KY
Originally posted by curiousGeorge

Here is my collection of the oldest cases still pending at TSC. All of them are over 900 days.


this list has chanaged, george & namu.

Maybesoon has been approved.
as per others, rest all have been RFEd except for desperateTSC.
that shd answer your question, namu.
The same info is in the members sheet.
Someone who's RD was Jan 1/02 would now be at day 850, so 900 days is only about RD Nov/01, so I think there are lots close to 800-900 days.

Thanks so much for the information. Atleast I feel I am not alone. I am just so frustrated. This group has been a boost for me.

I am in the same boat too.

Name checking pending for a long long time. faxed and called FBI, nothing back. I know it's useless to contact them. TSC won't do anything until they get the Name check from FBI. don't know how to do next but wait. this is such a nightmare

I dont know if anybody in this formum has had luck with getting FBI to call them back. I dont understand why they have an answering machine and a fax number if they dont want to contact the person. I only hope all of our files are not lost. I read about a few members file being lost. I hope for the best for all of us.

Anybody else had any good experience with FBI