People writing these bills must be on crack. This is the very same amnesty thing all over again. They simply don't get tired and come back all over again. Just because the head of the household should go outside of the country (for one day) and come back, that doesn't change the nature and criticism against the amnesty. "Securing the border first", then applying the bill. Attempting physical security without policies and procedures to back it up are simply a null attempt. I want to see how one can minimize the influx of people on a porous border at the same time the entire world is broadcasting that the US will grant an amnesty for whoever is able to fake a document showing they are here before June 2006. You will see people crossing those borders like squirrels.
I am sorry to say, but this one does not look much better than the other bills.
Flake-Gutierrez Amnesty Bill Introduced
On March 22, Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) introduced H.R. 1645, the Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy (STRIVE) Act, which would give amnesty to aliens who were illegally present in the United States before June 1, 2006, and would create a program to import 400,000 more foreign “guestworkers” each year. The legislation also includes a "touchback" provision that would require illegal aliens to return home before applying for citizenship. CongressDailyPM quotes Rep. Gutierrez as saying, when asked how long illegal aliens would have to stay away, that "Maybe they could do it in a day."
The already overburdened and error-prone U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services would be responsible for ensuring that amnesty applicants pay a $2,000 fine and meet certain criteria, and for handing out temporary visas and work permits to 12-plus million illegal aliens and the additional “guestworkers.”