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PDF Forms


Registered Users (C)
On some of the US government web sites they allow you to download PDF forms which you can fill in on your computer AND save (what you have filled in) to your hard disk so you can come back to it later and continue working on it and reprint it etc.

I notice that with DS-230 PDF form and DSP-122 PDF form you can fill them in on your computer and print them out but you can't save them to your hard disk. Does anybody know a way around this? i.e. to be able to save these forms so that you can reprint them later...?
It really depends on the version of your Adobe Acrobat. If it allows you to save the data on other forms, it should allow you to do the same for DSP-122 and DS-230. If you have Acrobat Reader, then you can't save the data.
Thanks guys - I'm using the latest version of the reader 7.0.7 and it allows me to save my tax forms with the data in them but not the INS forum. Strange...
coldstar said:
Thanks guys - I'm using the latest version of the reader 7.0.7 and it allows me to save my tax forms with the data in them but not the INS forum. Strange...
I think you'll need the professionel version to be able to save the data. That's the one I am using.