Patta Hara, others pls need your opinion


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Item # 20 in p3 I did not leave any gap though it should be as I was out of country for 4+ months.
in # 20 I did not mention that and made it contiguous as india address.
my p3 has been already reviewd and sent to consulate mumbai.
Should I correct that in p1 before going to the interview and present them with this new ds 230 p1?
Pls experts - need your help.
i\'m not sure what #20 is

if it\'s about mentioning all the places u stayed for 6 months or more after age 16, I\'d have preferred to put the actual even if it\'s different than the previously submitted form.
U can amend ur form as anyway this form needs to be submitted again during CP intertview.
Your Call

Though you dont need to mention places where you stayed less than 6 months.. hence your stay will be continous at one place even though you were our for 4 months.
Thanks Harry & Pattahara but pls let me know

So 4+ months out of stays is not that much important, am I right?
My point is I did not leave any gap but made is continuos India address, would it be a concern?
But there is another discrepancy in occupation.
Item#22 what occupation you intend to work?
I put as Programmer Analyst but my labor and 140 says it should be Senior Programmer Analyst.
What you guys think I should ammend the P1 form for this and Item# 20 and present with this ammened one at interview.
When I spoke to my lawyer about this she said as it is already approved by NVC so there is no need to ammend but I have doubt.
Please shed your cooment on this.
Thanks for your help Harry and HarraPatta
All is OK

I would not bother to change it. As it is your forms will not go through much scruitiny at the consulate.. what they are interested is in your Employment letter.
Thanks HarraPatta ...what

about if I want to change my address where to receive GC?
Do I need to change in P1 or can tell at POE?
Sorry boss too many questions.
similar situation

Job titles on my labor certification application (which also went
along with 140 petition) are different than what my prev. experience letters say. The job description matches though. could this be a problem? which job titles should i specifiy on ds230 - from prev exp leters or ones i have on laber cert? its AC140 case. please advise.