PatienceGC-You are loosing respect!!!

Green Love

You seem to be having more Vices than being wise.
Also, please edit your messages before posting; A 6 figure salaried person needs improvement in his presentations..
and, I wonder how they allow you to enjoy so much of free time .. ;)

Thanks for the clarifications. Sorry, if I said anything not true in the previous post.
But I mean 'region' wise discussions (North vs South) not 'religion'.
Not to offend you, One question - How can a 'Project Manager' spent so much time visiting Immigration portal?

About free Time --> There is something called Vacation. I get 19 Paid vacations and 3 personal days. I am not going to India This year. If I don't take it, it will be wasted. Did you noticed I have been writing too many post recently. My Frequency will remain same till the end of the Month. I call it too much free time on my ass.

6 Figure --> Are you Jealous Or your manager didn't think you are capable for it.

Did you get any vacations??

How they allow me so much free time --> I don't need to ask permission to you take a 1/2 day off.. I just take it..

Hometown I hope this will answer your question about free time..
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Rajum -

I agree with you. I am from South and studied in North. All NI friends were good to me. They helped me improve my Hindi but never mocked at me.

I also studied in one South Indian State. They always speak among themselves, they eat together and ignore others. I mean "ignore". I used to go and lunch separately. Someone one day asked me why I do not eat with the rest. I told her that they are of so and so language and they are ignoring me.

That lady told, ok join in that group when I am there and let us see. She is also from the same state. After she saw me what happened when I tried to lunch with them, she herself told me that it would be better for me to leave the group, rather than trying to mingle with them and getting ignored.

So, it does not depend on where we are from. It all depends on the mentality of the crowd with which we happen to move and also to some extent on our own behavior towards them.
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No jealousy. Jealousy is for the Unsatisfied & frustrated lot. You know WHO..

I am happy with what has been bestowed upon me. I don't care how much you make but your nose in the air attitude is irritating.

Your have replied to all the points I raised but ONE.

I did have my vacation recently: To Alaska; a Great Place.

On a lighter note, I envisoned a couple of Zeros before the first digit in your Pay ;) ;)
"I call it too much free time on my ass"--> What a laid back attitude. Is the ass you mean same as a Donkey ???:cool:
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And sujaksh

It's losing respect and not "loosing respect" as you have started the thread.

We forget all our imperfections and easily criticize others.

Good to know you are not Jealous. But you look little Unsatisfied & frustrated . God Bless you to overcome these Deficiencies. Else you shouldn't have raised the salary and job questions. Are you staisfied with your job. I think not. Is your manager behaving like an ass ( as you refer Donkey's ass). Is he making you suffer becuase your ass belongs to him because of the GC. Man you are going through the tough Phase, I hope you can overcome this after you get your GC and I hope you also make 6 figure. Good Luck.

I am irritating --> may be. may be not. If i am irritating then this means you get irritated easily(your weekness). I just replied to your post and there were some questions for me. You yourself is causing this Irritating syndrome.

Alaska is real nice place I been there.

I envisoned a couple of Zeros --> did soemthing like this happen to you before.. If it did sorry to hear that.

By the way are you from Washington area. Just curious.
Hindi rules!

Every country needs a common binding language.
Whether we call it a National lang/official language, hardly seems to matter.
Imagine in India if each state had its own language and if everyone refused to learn language of other states , where would we be?
There has to be a language which binds us together. Some may accept it some may not ! Who cares..
So the point is Hindi is spoken by majority of Indians and it is the undeclared 'national' language.
I have nothing against any other language but the fact is Hindi Rules!! :D
What's going on!

I love hindi songs/movies even though hindi is not my language and India is not my country. Hindi poetry Rules!! So do hindi songs...

Great fan of Gulzar shaab and Javed Shaab
me too abhaya
gulzar's contribution to industry is amazing, i have seen all his movies, serial etc
a great fan of gulzar, waiting for his next project