PatienceGC-You are loosing respect!!!


Registered Users (C)

I considered you as one of the respected and mature guys on this board.

You didn't have to use words like 'I hage Hindi'.

If you don't understand Hindi, Why did you open/read the post?

You would have maintained your respect by just telling the members not to post messages in languages other than English, but no need to be aggressive.

Please remember that Respected can not be commanded, but has to be earned


Please go back and read my first posting in the 'hum hongae' thread. I SUGGESTED people to refrain from posting stuff ENTIRELY in their mother tongue.

But feb140 became a little aggressive.

As for green_love... he is not even worth it so I'll just refrain from any comments.

I dont really care if someone respects me or not. I have my opinions you can like it or hate me. It is nice to be respected but I dont have to change my opinion.. yes?

People have conveniently deleted their posts and try to start threads solely to spread hate.

For the record... I do know Hindi and thats why i opened it... to see if there was some message or at least a joke. I made suggestion when I didnt find any. That's all!

Double Standard

Pure Double Standard:-

DID SomeBody Said " I Know HINDI and I hate HINDI "

.. Analyse This.

:) :) :) :)
i agree with sujaksh

I too thought that patienceGC is one of the respected and matured member of this forum.. Now i have to change my opinion
I don't think so...

I don't understand why you called it "Double standard".

One has to KNOW something before they can make an informed decision whether (s)he is going to like it or dislike it, love it or hate it. You cannot just love it just because everyone else around you loves it! That's stupid.

Somebody could be born as a national of a certain country - but it does not always mean that (s)he has to always LIKE or LOVE everything related to that particular country.
If one does not like a particular aspect of the country of his/her citizenship, be it the national anthem, the national language or whatever, that is fine!

On the other hand, we should not attack someone based on what this person believes.
vow.. an unforgiving forum!

There are people from different countries posting here. But as far as I have seen our indian postings have east/west/north/south indian flavors. And some start picking on regional issues. Did anybody think thats the reason we were ruled by the british for 200 years ? We expose our weakness to people, so the clever can divide us and rule..

And the best of all we would form a great community here in America with this great sense of brotherhood. I even saw some article on India Abroad about how we have to learn from the jewish community which has grown as a powerful lobbyist in DC.
But do you think we will be thinking in that direction with all these types of differences between us ?

Hope we don't end up forming groups of indian communities after all this wait and pain !! The other communities will only laugh and question our patriotic abilities and contributions to America if we are so divided among ourselves even after travelling 15K miles from homeland :confused:
Guys relax, is there a contest goin on?

Guys is there a contest going on which I missed completely? "most respected person on this site". You dont even know the persons real name. Why do you think he cares if you respect him or not. I am not talking for patientgc but if I were in his place, I wouldn't give a rats ass what you think about me. This is childish and absolutey ridiculous that people are taking a dig at this. Like I said we all need to get life including me for reading and posting on this. This is crap.
give me a break...

PateintGC lossing respect?? when does he has that??

He is a sick-o pateint. Thats why i call him pateintGC.

Are you back in this Forum? I saw you post in the Texas Service Forum.
Have you downgraded yourself from a pharmacy Scholar to a Medicine Vendor? What happened? Were you thrown out of
the Organization for non -comprahension of English??
Hope you can read prescriptions ( In English) if not a lot of people will suffer ..
Why don't you think of a career where there is no risk to people & animals??
I am glad I am not anywhere near your City.

Improve your life before you point out at patience Gc
I understood your view point and if I understood right, it is not the language of Hindi that you hate but the hegemony of Hindi in our country and your subsequent fear of losing your language identity.
Unfortunately, more than you and other south Indians, the people from the North has to worry more about Hindi. Hindi has virtually killing all the local languages like Bhojpuri, Maithili, avadi, Rajasthani and to some extent Gujarati. There are many local dialects which got submerged under Hindi. After this , the other languages to worry are Oriya, Marathi and Punjabi.

Green_love and other Hindi nationalists,
Don't equate the knowledge of knowing Hindi to being citizen.
I want to remind you Hindi is just one of 15 national languages. It is the just one of the 15 languages nothing more and nothing less. As far as national languages are concerned, it has not got any other prominence. And Hindi and English are the official languages of India. If you don't understand the difference between "National Language" and "Official language" better read some material on that. There was discussion in constituent assembly on whether to make Hindi as the "official language" of the Govt. of India apart from English. There was tie in the constituent assembly and as Chairman of the constituent assembly Babu Rajendra Prasad casted a tie vote in favour of Hindi as official language of GOI(Govt. Of India). So, Hindi is just the official language of GOI apart from English. And one more point though irrevelant here. SC(Supreme Court) has ruled that if there is discrepancy in English version of constitution and Hindi translation of constitution, they take English version as the authentic because the original constitution was written in English and Hindi being the official language they translated it...Hope you understood the issue...

all 15 languages are equal

Rajum, very well said.
Hindi was never meant to be THE national language not when the Dravida languages in the south and the languages of the Northeast have no special relationship with it. It was just the language spoken by a majority of Indians. In fact in the constituent assembly there was animated debate whether the national language should be Hindi or whether all 14(manipuiri was added to the list later ) languages should be considered equal with English as the language for communication. The consituent assembly was equally split on this and the president of the assembly had to cast the vote to break the tie. He sided with Hindi and it was mentioned as the national language, with prefernce to local languages to be given and with a promise by Nehru to Kamraj and others that it would not be imposed on Southerners.

I have no Hatred for Hindi, but I do find it strange when Hindi speakers who have lived for decades in my dear home state of Karnataka do not bother to learn Kannada or look down upon those of us who speak this language primarily or as a mother tongue. Especially prevalent in higher echelons of society.
However a kannadiga(or tamilian,Malayali etc, ) who settles down in the Cow belt is expected to learn Hindi right away -- this is the Hegemony people talk about.

I spent considerable time and effort in childhood going to the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha and learnt Hindi but I think and firmly believed that it should not be pushed down the throats of Dravida people and Northeasterners.
Hi Folks,

Just for the sake of discussion, I would like you guys to throw some light on the following.

A language is intended for communication. Now, why do we attach history, emotion,
possessiveness, hatered etc. to it ? Why cannot we just use the language we know, for the
practical purpose (of communicating) for which it has been created ( or evovled ) ?

The same thing with religion. I believe that religions are also evolved. Everyone belongs to one
religion or other. It is not your choice at birth. Now, you are free to change your religion if you
want and if it provides some spiritual elivation or maturity or whatever. Then why do we again try
to propage it, then attach a history to it and then be possessive about it and develop hatered about
other religions ?

There are many things like this. But is this embeded in our genetic composition to "create
something" and then quarrel on that ? JUST JUST JUST CANNOT UNDERSTAND THE
I think a language is a beautiful thing for not just communicating but also to understand the nuances and intricacies of the culture, it originates from.

It won't have born, if it were not needed.

Just as cultures/religions get influenced, mixed, corrupted, refined due to geographical/informational reasons, so do the languages. Conflicts and frictions r bound to arise just as harmony and homogenity. But language on its own shouldn't be held accountable or raped as a mother of all conflicts. Other factors, some of which mentioned above, also count in.

A Mangalorean is as much a Kannadiga as a Goan (or is it Andhraite or Maharashtrian, pl. excuse me!!). A born-in Haryana guy like me is as much cosmopolitan (due to entire Delhi life) as a die hard native Haryanvi.

But, I love my India.
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I used to regret why I didn't learn Hindi only after coming to the US for sometime. Because I could not communicate with some of the Indians in my own language and get the feeling of belonging. That feeling slowly dimished after the way I was treated by Hindi speaking big heads. Mostly because I did not know Hindi.

It slowly became hatred after knowing the fact that North Indians (specially Delhi people) really hate (not all !?) South Indians. They hate eveything about them. I still have no of private messages sent to me after posting in this forum one time asking people,

Is it real that you guys hate South Indians this much?

They hate south India , South Indians, their food sambar etc..etc...

I WILL NEVER learn HINDI! Why should I learn the language of the people who hate me.

Sorry to hear that All Delhi people and Hindi Knowing People hate South Indian. --> Man you made really big statement in here. Did you exagarate something in here.. ask yourself.

How did you know they hate entire South India/indians?? Did they tell you or you just read Lips or state of mind. or did they tell you in so called communicating Language "ENGLISH"..

Did you did something to make them hate you?
Did you speek only in your Language when people from different region, countries are in a group??
Did guys from your work other than DESI come to your house to visit you or are you invited at there place ever. If so did they ever came back again in your Place or invited you again???
Did you talk loud so that everyone can here you when you talking to your buddy on Phone at your work place????
Did you ever thaught what other people are thinking when you are in your own world..

these are just my thaughts only mine.
Being an South Indian myself, I disagree with your statement that all North Indians(especially Delhiites) hate South Indians. I studied in New Delhi and while all my friends in Delhi are North Indians. I am in touch even today after 8 years also. Everywhere same human feeling play their part and most of them are ignorant of South Indians and their customs and so is South Indians about North Indians.
A sense of appreciation for other culture comes only if you understand them better. If you are ignorant, then there will have no sense of hatred because you think them just as you. But the problem comes if you have partial knowledge and your prejudices piled up and if one doesn't bother to clear their prejudices.

This logic can be extended to any different set of people. Be our initial opinions of Americans or Americans opionions about us.

Your questions does not merit big answers. I feel your questions does not specifically apply to South Indians as such. ...on the other day, in my office, two people are talking in Russian when I am along with other Indians and also some Americans are there. Communication is spontaneous and we have to make every effort not to put others in discomfort but at the same time that is not big issue to make fuss out. If someone hates me because I speak with some one in my native tongue, first of all it is bad on my part but at the same time he(the person who hates me) need to go and see the doctor. At the same time, I should make every conscious effort to minimise such incidents...the same answer applies to your other questions also...

Dry ice,
I wanted to remind one of the Gandhiji's words. These words are paraphased.
" I will open my window open for every fresh air to come in but at the same time I will not allow myself to be blown away by that"

So, the issues of hegemony and religious divide comes if someone tries to blow you away....


Sorry to break your Silence..

You think i am selfish --> may be
I make People Fight --> Not true.. you just compared me with INDIAN Politician.. DID any of my post says about religion, language etc etc. did any of my post say I hate somebody, religion, language, country etc.. PLEASE GET your Ideas straight and do your homework before writing. OOPS did my ego came again.. Or i am selfish.. may be.. LOL

You don't belive my job and salary --> What can do about that. thats your opinion.

ego --> I think I have ego, Can i do something about it.. I think not.

talking Wisely --> Thats what i got, and it cannot get any wiser than this..

Let me know if you have more questions about me..