Pathetic - GC process.


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I called BCIS 800 number and to ask about my case. Here is my experience (my RD is Nov'01 so I have passed the 18 months time).

She first asked me when I filed and then told me it is taking approx. 18 months. To which I replied that I already have. She, then said..oh..oh it is actually 19 months. To which I said, that is also gone. She said she does not know in that case as she is not in vermont (as if you have to be physically there to access the information).

She told me they are a third party and basically have access to same information as we do through web. Nothing more!!!!

I asked, is there anyway I can get in touch with Vermont as this is very frustating. She said, I could write them a letter. Or she could send an inquiry (understand they take 4 weeks to open the letters they get from their freaking help desk). But there are no gurantees they will either expedite my case or review it (based on both the scenarios - if I write them a letter or if they write it internally).

This is frustating as hell!!! I have a job offer in hand but that requires GC and I have been holding them on for a while. I also have to apply for my wife's I-824 but cannot because of this delay.

I-824, is another freaking furstating which no one knows enough about. Some say it is required, some say receipt is OK, some say approval is a must, some say GC plastic is enough. Talk about homeland security!!!! If we cannot monitor and document the immigration policies, how can we possibly proceed in any direction as far other homeland security issues are concerned.

Does anyone has any ideas on what do at this point in time? Also, how much more time does the approval takes after RFE response is recieved.

A frustated GC application.
I am in the same boat. I even called the NCS center today as well. The rep told me pretty much the same stuff: the processing time is now 19 months. When they issue an RFE, the case goes on hold for 2 weeks and the processing time is automatically increased by 2 weeks. So, in my case my RD is Dec 21, 01. The rep told me that I should wait till July 21 + 2 weeks = beginning of August. Very "encouraging" as you can see. I also have a job offer in another state. This will be my second job change after applying for I-485. I discussed this issue with my lawyer and she told me to go ahead and accept the offer. She thinks that it is unlikely that an RFE case will get transferred. The worst case scenario is that if it does get transferred then I'll need to request a transfer from my old local office to my new local office after the move. I personally decided to go ahead with the move because I don't want to put my life on hold and wait for a decision from a minimal wage individual whose salary is being paid with my tax money.

RFE reply received: June 2, 2003.
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Don't get frustrated man. My case is same as yours. Luckily my case got approved 10 days back. Now i'm applying I-824 for my wife. Send me your details so that we can be in touch to exchange useful information regarding I-824 and other related matters.


Here are the details. My RD is Nov'01, I got an RFE issued in April, RFE was recieved by BCIS on 17th June. I am basically waiting since then.

I-824, there are a lot of questions I have about the proces. I have to apply it in New Delhi. So, I called the consular section there and the person there told me that there is nothing they can do unless they get information (on I-824) from the service center where the case was filed. What does that mean? Are they talking about approval (which is more then a year) or is it the cable?

Also, how much time does it take for the whole processt to get through? My lawyer says optimistically 4 months and pessimistically 8. That is not bad provided it is true.

Can you share some experience on your I-824 info.

A frustated GC applicant
Hi Mn_gal

Can you please tell me after how long the Online status got updated after sending response to RFE. I am with RD: 12/19/01, ND: 1/4/02. My case, RFE was issued on May'21 and response sent on 6/16. Online status is not yet updated.

Your response is appreciated.
Rfe respone time...

I can understand your frustation. Here are my details.

- RFE issued 25 April.
- RFE response sent second week of May.
- No updates till June first week.
- Called lawyer, he told me to just wait. But I asked him to send the response second time anyway.
- He sends the second response to these jokers first week of Junea again.
- June 17the RFE recieved.

I do not think it was my second RFE response which was recieved. I think VSC is so freaking slow that it takes them about 3-4 weeks (I have seen people who have had a response time much-mush less then this). So don't panic you will have the message updated within next few days.

Big question however is, how much time after recieving the RFE response? I heard some of the people got second FP notice issued!!!!! That's freaking means another couple of months.

I am sure a lot of the folks in US can owe a lot of their hypertensions/grey hair/anxiety attacks/depression etc to US Immigration policies. Thanks!!! I wish I had come in a boat instead of on a freaking executive job.

Anyone who can share their RFE and 824 experiences will be excellent.
Vinnu ,

An RFE was generated on May 20th. My lawyer sent the reply on May 27th. The online message changed on June 3rd to say that they've received my RFE reply on June 2nd.

Hope this helps!!!

P.S. The way I see this whole RFE issue is that you either get approved literally within a few days after the reply, or you have to wait for at least a month. My lawyer says that it takes around 30-60 days after the reply.
My RFE details

My and my wife's RD : Nov 21 2001

RFE generated on On March 31, 2003. Voice mail updated the same day.

I mailed the required documents to the lawyer on April 10th by next day Air (Fedex).

On April 15, 2003 INS received the RFE papers and updated the voicemail the next day.

On April 21, 2003 Case was approved. Voice mail updated the next day.

Stamped on May 7th (Newark).

Received plastic card on June 4 th

Wife's case was approved later on On May 12, 2003.
Stamped on May 28th. Waiting for her plastic card.

Hope this give you some hope.

I saw online that an RFE has been raised on June 12th. Till date I have not received it. Given BCIS's track record, I don't even know I should be concerned or not.

The funny thing is the website says "contact service center where application is pending if RFE is not received in 14 days". Of course, these idiots have left no way to contact VSC. Calling the 1-800 # will not help, they will just mail VSC. Any ideas what I should do ?
I824 process details


I am in a similar situation as you are, Filed for RD Dec/10/01 but no response on my case as yet :( Will file I824 after approval and until then my wife waits in India :mad:
I am not clear about the I824 process either but my laywer did say it takes about 6 to 9 months, if that helps.
If you get more information about the I824 process, please post it here.

Here is what i have heard about 824 so far.

- You apply for 824 after your GC gets approved.
- Get a reciept within couple of weeks from the service center.
- You send the packet3 and all other information to the consulate you are applying to. Mine is delhi.
- The consulate then waits for a cable notification from the service center stating "yes, this is OK to proceed with".
- Consulate issues a notification on interview date and medical.
- GC is approved.

And here is/are the confusion/s:
- Does cable from service center means approval of i-824, meaning do they have to approve the 824 first before they can send the cable. If this is the case then the time will be close to 1.5 yrs.

- I spoke to Rajiv khanna and other lawyers too and they said I-824 approval is not required. In that case, the time frame will be much-much lesser...close to 4 months.

- If the above is correct then does someone know, what is a cable and how much time do they need. In this internet world where we live in the most advance times, adopting to a method so archaic seems stupifying as hell...why can't they post "proceed" or "no proceed" on their web site at the time when they send the receipt or whenever they send the damn cable.

- No one knows the exact time frame, my lawyer (after looking at my case) told me 4 months max and 8 months worst case scenario in the world (which I am willing to believe seeing VSC perform on my AOS).

- I have yet to meet someone who can explain the whole process like a professional and share the time line with us. I have read people got approved in less then 4 months and at the same time people who have been waiting for more then a year.

- BCIS, bunch of idiots, do not know how to operate computers. freaking high school drop outs boat kids screw up all the time. So no one knows what they will do with the application.

- I am very sure if someone (esp. people in media) bring this issue to attention of a common american, things will change fast. There is just no sense to the whole process, there is a damn 5 years wait after GC. Talk about the most basic human right....right to live with your family. The immigration policies of BCIS are shady and lack substance.

- And those who say if you don't like it then go back. It is the most rediculous thing I have heard. I have invested 6 years of my career to this country, went to a IVY league, paid my taxes. So, I would rather criticize something which is incorrect then stand back and take it as an immigrant.

Share you experiences here. It would be a tremendous help
I-824 process


Anyone who is looking for more I-824 information, here is what I got from US consulate, New Delhi.

If this is true, which I believe should be the time for the whole process after principal's GC is approved should be less then 3-4 months.


Dear Sir:

A follow to join case may be processed once we review the following

1) I-797 of I-824, original along with the photocopy.
2) Notarized copy of the Green Card and Passport of the principal applicant.
3) Notarized copy of the I-485 form.
4) Marriage certificate.
5) Birth certificate of the children (if any).
6) DS-230 part 1 filled by the beneficiary.
7) A covering letter.

The applicant may come to our office on any working day at window # 15 at
2.00 p.m. with the above mentioned documents or
you may send these documents to the following address too:

Immigrant visa unit
Consular Section
US Embassy
Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110021

A consular officer will review the documents and make a decision.

If the documents are approved by a consular officer for a follow to join
case, then we will create a case and we will send the interview letter to
the applicant after six to eight weeks.

Immigrant Visa Unit
Consular Section
US Embassy
New Delhi, India

I-824 approval

You do not need one.

According to Rajiv Khanna, my lawyer, US consulate in New delhi and whole bunch of people I have seen posts from.

All you need is a reciept notice after filing for 824.

But the answer to your question my friend is 1 year and 3 months at VSC. I think they have posted that they are approving Feb cases.

Hope this helps, the reason why I posted the earlier post was to let everyone know that there is no need to send the packet 3 and all the other docs through Mail. Someone can hand deliver them and also wanted to share that Delhi replies to mails too.

I actually spoke to consular section at delhi, the gentleman was very courteous and explained everything very professionally.
Hi Ahmer,
You mean we don't have to wait for the approval of I-824? Once we get the 824 receipt , can we submit the documents to the consulate for the immigration visa? Won't consulate wait until 824 is approved?
If the consulate doesn't wait for 824 approval and goes ahead with issuing immigration visa what will be the status of 824 application at INS?
That's right....

Yes sir, that is exactly what I heard.

No need for 824 approval. Only the reciept notice.

Here is how the proces works.

- When the consulate recieves the documents (everything)?
- They send an enquiry to service center asking them "hey is this guy OK".
- Service center sends them a cable of some sort stating "yes, he is OK". That's why they need principal applicats Green Card copies and 824 reciept notice.
- Once they get that notice they create a case number for you (this is what they mean by 6-8 weeks).
- Once the case is created the visa interview is scheduled within next 2 months.

If anyone has heard anything otherwise, please let us know.

Understand, I spoke to the consular section and wrote to them and they both seem to communicate the same thing. Here is the caviat though, sometimes the service center just sits on your (or their) request and does not respond back in time. This is when you exprience problems. Technically consulate is only going to ask once and if they don't hear back within stipulated time then it is "not OK" for them.

So, anyone who is applying for 824 really needs to be on the toes with service center and consulate communication.

When and where are you applying? I would suggest you write to the consular section to get the information yourself. What is applicable in delhi might not be true for other consulates.

Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot Ahmer. I need to findout the process with Chennai consulate. Actually i wrote to them sometime back but didn't hear anything yet from them. Hope the process at Chennai won't be much different from what it is being followed at Delhi consulate.
Good luck

Good luck brother and keep us all posted.

I hope we can all get through this ordeal. I just read an article about abuse of immigrant visa and marriages in India. Sometimes i wonder who is more wrong immigration authorities or beneficiaries!!!!!
