Patel Motel

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indian run hotels are by far the most hopless experience in this country; it is a total shame; not just the lack of professionalism but also that stinky curry smell and that dreadfull BO that they possess;

last week i checked into Best westren in Quakertown PA; it was 11:30pm in the night; doors were locked; i am ringing the bell; finally guy shows up with his dhoti/lungi (what ever) without a shirt on; it was a total freak show;
one would not have gone there

if it was not a "mufat ka maal". Anyway, whenever and wherever there is free thing, there is .........
We should not complain about this whole motel patel deal.
Not to defend bad hygiene, but generally speaking, you get what you pay for!:p There is no point going to a Best Western and expecting George V's treatment. As for the curry smell and body odour, I am sure you have heard of the adage that goes.... one man's food is another's poison!

These places are usually privately owned franchises and to make sure that the facility standards are up to the mark, they are usually required to carry a complaint form that you can send to the franchiser. If you cared to lodge a formal complaint, you may have atleast received a refund. Anyway, I hope your next Best Western experience (or whatever other bed and breakfast place you choose to stay at) is more sanitary!
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well, if customer service were to be determined by how much is paid over a counter, then we would be treated like dogs at Wal Mart.

Somehow some desis have never and will never understand the concept of customer service. The "chalta hai" attitude is too prevalent in our psyche. That and the attitude of saving upto the last penny on everything creates this dog like experince at some of the motels.

Usually on family road trips, I have paid @ 65 (taxes extra),which is certainly not a less amount for a room.
Originally posted by gatos
it was $140/- a night with taxes

At that price, it is most certainly a rip-off. I presume there was nothing else available at that late hour? I suppose by the time you swing around to that area next, I would expect that the place would have been forced by the competition to wind up!

As far as Walmart is concerned, in my opinion, it epitomizes the 'you-get-what-you-pay-for' adage. Not only do they treat customers like dogs (not necessarily by third world standards, but certainly so by developed country standards), they also treat their employees like dirt. And to top it all, they single-handedly prop up a vast sweat-shop empire spread around the world in order to feed the consumerism of their geopolitically challenged patrons.

P.S.: stereotyping, anyone?
Originally posted by gatos
indian run hotels are by far the most hopless experience in this country; it is a total shame; not just the lack of professionalism but also that stinky curry smell and that dreadfull BO that they possess;

last week i checked into Best westren in Quakertown PA; it was 11:30pm in the night; doors were locked; i am ringing the bell; finally guy shows up with his dhoti/lungi (what ever) without a shirt on; it was a total freak show;


Who the hell asked you to go to Indian Hotel? If not curry smell, what do you expect there? Smell of beer?

As far as going to Motel is concerned, the experience that you had
is surprising to me. Best western is one of the costly motel chain.
I never had any bad experience in the motels operated under best western logo. Most of them were owned by Indians.

Btw, I see a very strong anti-indian slant in your writing. Which
country are you from? Let us know the name if you are not ashamed of your country of birth. :)


Let me guess gatos is a White dude from South Africa or a "Wanna-be" American from India :D
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Also had bad (dhoti lungi) experience

at an indian run motel. The place was a dump but I had no choice since I couldn't drive anymore in a snow storm. On top of it, the guy who opened the door in lungi wasn't friendly at all. I felt that he's doing me a favour by giving me a room double the original price. What a rip-off!!! These guys need to show some professionalism...:p
A few rotten apples

Does anyone need references to motels run by pot-bellied non desis, who rip you off during peak vacation seasons ?

I can provide some....

Lets not let a few rotten apples cloud our opinion of a community. There are some shinning examples of Indians who make us proud like Kalpana Chawla, Vinod Kholsa, Sabeer Bhatia etc and then there are some others ...

Lets keep things in perspective
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In category of '485 issues in Nebraska Service Center' - Patel Motel!!

But, while browsing through serious issues, this seems like entertainment on the side as a stress reliever. May be like 'Masala' :)
Hey Gatos and Inceredible shit!!

You guys suck man!!, why don't you guys realize that running a motel business is not so easy, just imagine these people come from a country where they don't speak english and they are so successfull here,try opening a motel business and running , i don't think you guys can do, you people just belong to that pesmist class attitudes, just trying to pin point things which are of less value

Just my 2 cents ...,

Hey guys

ripoff is everywhere, it is part of the business. airlines charge double the price for the tickets in holidays season, all the brand hotels charge more in holidays season. Why movie theaters charge different prices for different timings and days, is it not rip off? don't complain about it. it is part of the business

Oh sure!

Rip off is a part of a business? I think not! May be a regular business practice in India. As far as coming here and running a motel business is concerned, it is just another business and just like in any business one should comply to the laws, traditions and practices of that country. No excuses!!!:p
Capitalism means ripping off others. Don't expect socialism or communism in the capitalistic world.

Everywhere we see layoff news. Why don't these companies layoff just 1 top management instead of 10000 hard working people.

Everywhere they are ripping of people, so don't just blame Patel motel or Indian business in USA. No one is running non-profit organization.
Ripoff is part of human nature

Ask any American about car dealers and you'll get the picture.

Lets not say its common business practise in India. If you have been reading the news , you must have heard of Enron. Try mentioning compliation to the laws, traditions and practices to Enron shareholders!!
Patels are the most entreprising community. There are countries where the economies are solely depended on Patel businesses. They are the single most successful businessmen in the entire world. They know what they are doing. They may not be able to speak english well but no one has the business acumen that these guys have. Best of all they love their country of origin even after many generation since their forefathers have left India. They are peace loving, hard working and gentle community. Economically their contribution to many economies world over is unparalelled. They have taken shit from many countries where dictators have rooted them out. They didn't wage a war and killed anyone nor tried to terrorise the world. If they wanted they had enough resources to create havoc in the world. They have silently bore the brunt and always looked at the possitive side of the life. It is their peace loving nature that is the main cause of their success. I have nothing but admiration for these people. I am sure many in this forum will agree with me.

Hats off to a great community.

BTW I am not a Patel !

Good luck to everyone.
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Snack in the hall

If the patel says "snack in the hall", it sounds "snake in the hole" to an American customer: 1993 India Today US edition, if you guys were here is US that time. But also praised the entreprenuel spirit of Gujarati's. At one point, 85% of Ugandan GDP was from Indian descendents(Gujarati's).
Though they may not have very good education, but have business spirit. If "A" grade students become employees, "C" grade students start businesses. Mediocre "B" grade guys work for government (including INS) : quote from Robert Kiyosaki (Rich dad, Poor dad Fame).
But you got to understand Capitalism is not stealing from each other. Its great entreprenuership. Believing in helping needed capital for business there by creating more jobs and services. Exploring the business oppurtunities, Opening up the markets, private entreprenuership.
I do believe there were crooks like high paid executives, accounting Malpractioner (almost all big 5(4) companies). Government slowly and steadily eliminating them watch Sam Waksal, his high flying girl friend Martha Stewert, enron crooks, Bernie Ebbers, etc etc.. But as a whole if you look at the beauty of the capitalism, you invest today you get benifit by the end of your working career, no matter what country you look in.
NO matter what, Patels are Indian Jews. Pioneers of Indian entreprenuership.
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