Passport with Visa Stolen-What happens to Visa


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Hi folks, I sure appreciate any insights you can offer.
My Mom's Indian passport expires on 5/07. She has her 10 year multiple entry B1/B2 visa stamped on it that is valid till 2/2010. She applied for a new passport and has received it.
However, yesterday, her current passport (the one that is valid till 5/07 and has the B1/B2 visa stamping) got stolen along with other valuables. So, what happens to her visa status?
Normally, if a new passport is issued we would carry the old one that has the visa stamping. What is the procedure to visit the US now that it is stolen.
BTW, she has filed a police complaint yesterday itself, but chances of recovering it are slim. She was planning to visit US in 3/07 and now we are in a soup.
Thanks in advance for your input.
I sent an email to the American Consulate (Chennai) and they responded immediately saying that she has to get a new visa.
The plot thickens..My mom decided to reapply for the visa now that her original passport was stolen. She has paid the visa fee at a desginated HDFC bank. A day later, the thief mails her the passport to her residence!
What happens to the visa fee now? Can she get a refund? Peculiar honor among thieves!