passport validity


New Member
hi all,

when one goes for a CP interview, how much more validity should a passport have ? I have a passport which will reach the 10 year lt in March 2003. Is it safe to go for a CP interview with a passport with less than 6 months validity left?

If not, can I extent my passport or do I have to get a new one?

how long does getting it renewed or getting a new one take in DC?

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Your passport on the date of the CP interview should be valid for at least another 6 months from that date. It is a MUST. Better safe than sorry get a new passport ASAP. Talk to the consulate before you mail them your current passport on ways to expedite your passport extension.
6 Months atleast

But if your passport is coming up for renewal anyway I would get a renewed Passport made.
Indian consulate in Houston got my new passport in one week.