Passport Stamping time


Registered Users (C)
I sent our passports for stamping to NY and its the end of the 3rd week now. I have read that they usually send it back in 2 weeks. Anyone in the same situation? CIC letter said, it can take up to 4 weeks to get the stamped passports back. May be I am just worrying too much. Please share any info if you have...
Same situation


I am in the same situation. I have sent my passports to NY as well, and now it is now exactly 2 weeks and haven't recd them either.

Don't worry, things will be fine, let's stay in touch thru this forum, and update each other if there are any developments.

I will check this forum every evening.

also, fyi, i mailed my pp on 9/16, recd by consulate on 9/18. Can you share ur dates as well.


Thomas_Varghese said:
I sent our passports for stamping to NY and its the end of the 3rd week now. I have read that they usually send it back in 2 weeks. Anyone in the same situation? CIC letter said, it can take up to 4 weeks to get the stamped passports back. May be I am just worrying too much. Please share any info if you have...
We got our passports yesterday. Went and collected it from Post office today morning. I got it exactly after 3 weeks. For those who are waiting for passports stamped, hope this helps.
Congratulations, Thomas. I will be hitting the 3 week milestone on Monday next, hopefully I will get mine in the next week as well. Thanks for confirming the receipt of your passports on the forum.
Stamped Passports/CoPR Received

Got my stamped passports and CoPR papers for landing by Express mail yesterday.

Will be landing sometime end Oct or Nov.