Passport stamping done at SFO


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Passport stamped at SFO

Both me and my wife got our stamping on passport yesterday. Went to SFO 630 Sansome street. Got parking a few blocks away.
Entered the building at about 12:50 PM. Passed the metal detector and went upstairs 2nd floor Room 200B (on your right). We dropped the courtesy copy of the 485 approval notices around 1:00PM. Sat in front of Counter 19. Around 1:30, the officer called us. We handed over our passports with I-94. He took our Fingerprints and signatures.

The following documents are required:
1. Passport with I-94
2. EAD and AP (if you had applied and approved)
3. Two passport style photographs as per specs mentioned in the notice. (write A# and name in pencil lightly on back)

We had also taken these (just in case) though the officer did not ask for it.
a. original copy of 485 approval notices
b. FP notices
c. tax forms and H1B

The officer again called us at 1:50PM and we got our stamped passports. Made sure the Expiry date, WAC# and A# are correctly printed.
(a person who got the approval stamped before checked and found that his Expiry date showed 2001 instead of 2002. Luckily he found it and got it corrected)
So, pls. ensure the above info. is correctly printed. My details are:

RD= 04/18, ND = 06/10 , EAD & AP recd . FP scheduled = 11/15 but done on 10/31. AD = Dec 4th.

Good luck to all. I do see approvals until 04/23 which is a good sign. Happy Xmas and New year.
Hi orig. approval notice

How come you got the original approval notice.Didn\'t your lawyer get it?
Anyways, congrats on getting the GC stamps.
No Title

Congratulatiosn Padhu!
The info is very helpful.
I will cut and paste it in a notepad.
btw, did you get a chance to chance to check if they could accept photocopy of i-94?
thanks man.
enjoy freedom!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks jony and I posted reply in \'new thread for approvals\' but here it is

This is info. I could get:
the lawyer was not too sure and was not aware of a procedure.
My suggestion is:
You can keep the photocopy of I-94 inside the passport because you still have the details of them as to when your last entry to US was.
So i dont think you should have a problem. Pls. read my stamping experience at SFO and i think with all other relevant documents you should be able to get the stamp.
good luck.
What\'s the expiry date

Congratulations and thanks for writing a nice write-up.

Is the expiry date printed on Approval Notice?

Would you please give me the details of photographs so that I can keep them handy in advance? Are they same like you used for I-485?
the expiration date is when you get the passport stamped.

1. since it approx. takes 6 mos - 1 yr for the plastic card to arrive, and in case you want to travel outside US, a passport stamping is a must. When they stamp the passport, they give one year from the date you go for the stamp. i.e. If you go on say 16th dec, then 15th dec 2002 is the expiry date on passport. By then you should get the plastic card.

2. yes, the photographs are similar to the ones applied for I-485.
Many use the same photos if they have extra copies. Also there is a photo shop just opposite INS office at Sansome Street , SFO and you can get it done there as well.