Passport stamping at SJ


Registered Users (C)
what is a safe time to be at CIS SJ to be assured a place? Does it have to be before 5 am?

Also, has anyone had problems with officer not accepting courtesy notice at CIS SJ?
take an appointment

It is better to take an appointment by paying 10 bucks per person...No need to wait in long line and waste a day...hope it helps...FYI, I had an appointment (SJC) and it took only 10 minutes to complete stamping...
GanGC said:
It is better to take an appointment by paying 10 bucks per person...No need to wait in long line and waste a day...hope it helps...FYI, I had an appointment (SJC) and it took only 10 minutes to complete stamping...

Please tell me how you got the appointment.
Appintment for passport stamping

At present, you can get appointment through attorney's only. They have started this facility very recently. I told them I need an appointment and it was ready within few hours. Contact your attorney. Hope it helps!GGC