Passport Stamped


Registered Users (C)
One more step closer to complete relief. Got my passport stamped yesterday.

Any idea how long for the cards? The gentleman at INS said 9 to 12 months. No kidding! I hope he joked but did not look like that to me. So please anyone let me know when I can expect the cards.

Good luck guys! I am sure everyone will get their approval. I got mine when I least expected. I would have had a heart attack last saturday had I not checked the AVM message on Friday. My approval notice arrived in mail on Saturday. When I checked on Firday I checked with frustration and to my disbelief I heard the eternal voice and rays of light.

You know what I mean.

if you dont mind can you share your Approval date and when you recvd the notice in mail

I am waiting for my approval notice in mail. Got to furnish it to my employer.

Thank you
it takes between 1-2 months to get your status changed from approved to card odered and once this is done you should get it in 2 weeks. I got the stamping done in Indianpolis on 28th Feb.Status changed to card oredered on March 24th and I am waiting for GC which should,god willing, come anyday now.