Passport Stamped


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Hi Everyone,

  Yesterday we got our passport stamped at INS Newark, NJ. It was a breeze except that we had to wait for about 3 1/2 hours (which is nothing considering that the whole green card process took close to 5 years).

  Went there around 9:15 to Room 136 and waited in line. There were two counters. They looked at the approval notice and collected our photos, ead card and I-94 and took our signature and fingerprints in a form and then stapled everything together and handed it back to us along with a token and asked us to wait for our turn in the hall right across (room 135).

  We waited in room 135 for our turn. When they called our number, we went to the counter. There they took all the papers and verified our address and stamped our passport.

  We walked out of there around 12:45 PM.
  Thanks to Mr Khanna for providing this fourum. It was really really helpful in the whole green card process.

good luck,
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No. My passport is set to expire in oct. My lawyer advised me to get it renewed before stamping. I did that. I even asked the INS officer yesterday if they need my old passport for any reason. They said they do not need it. All they need is a valid passport