Passport stamped today


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By God's grace we got our passports stamped (wife's also) today
at local INS office in Detroit. Our case were approved online on
Oct 16 and we received courtesy copies of approval notices
on Oct 20. I was waiting for the original copies from the lawyer
until i saw some posts at the immigration forum that one can use
courtesy copy to get his/her passport stamped.
I called my lawyer (he hadn't received anything by then though)
and asked him if i can use courtesy copy for stamping but his
reply was quite discouraging as usual but i decided to try
my luck. What we got to lose.

We arrived at the local office around 7:20am today, got a number
11 & 12, which kept us away from the counter for about 1 hour
and 15 min, then they called our number. We went to the counter,
showed the lady our notices, she asked for passports, EADs, and
APs, put everything in a small plastic bag, put the stamps in our
passports, finger printed and booom!

Finally we became lawful permanent residents of the United
States of America. Took less then 10 minutes for both of us .

Wish you guyz good luck!!!

What all document did you take with you for stamping? Will the approval notice list all those items?

Lesson : Sometimes we should apply our brain and not listen to the lawyers.
Required docs for stamping

Hello gc_howlong:

Yes, the approval letter listed all the documents you need to take
with you. I took the following documents with me,

All APs
All EADs
2 photographs
Approval notice
Hello Kjkool:

I am just wondering why would they ask for documents like
W2,Employement letter etc, when you go for stamping.
They are not suppose to check anything besides making sure
that you are the actual person whose name appeared on the
approval notice and i guess your passport serves that purpose
well, sometimes they do ask for driving license if they don't feel
comfortable about you and your picture in the passport, i

For APs, EADs, they don't check anything, i think they simply don't
want us to keep those once we get GC. Anyone, correct me if i
am wrong.

Come on man! this is not an interview. Once you get approved, it means you have already gone through all checks successfully.

Get a life!!!

Thanks everybody for everything. I 'm sure everybody will have his/her day to say "Got approved!", it is just a matter of time.
Today is mine but you bet tomorrow will be yours.
stamped today

We got our stamping done today at Columbus, OH. I did not even give them our EAD/AP's. But I had the original approval notice sent by attorney. Had our passport with I-94 and the two ADIT style photographs. Took about 15 mins for them to complete the paper work, take finger prints and stamp the passports.
Hi arastoo,
Congrats! I guess you are overexited at your approval and quite understandly you should be. But how about the language of "Get a life!!!". Isn't it disrespectful expression to others? Kjkool and others asked you a very valid question. Infact I also thought even couple of months before that during passport stamping we need pay stub, tax return etc etc and this is like an interview. Only after reading Sheela Murthy couple of months back I knew that is NOT the case and passport stamping is just a formality. Kjkool and other might have missed that topics in Sheela Murthy. What the big deal? Enjoy your freedom but don't lose your Kool (cool). Take it easy.

Hello pcgccc:

You got me wrong buddy!

You say 'Get a life!', when you want someone to do more exciting
things. I used that slang just to chear you guyz up in a quite
friendly manner. I did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings but if i
did ( ofcourse un-intentionaly ) please accept my apology.

Jao maaf kia !!

But "Get a Life" is never taken as friendly words, just don't tell your significant other or your boss to "Get a life".