passport stamp


New Member

I am going to stamp my passport very shortly. I have a few question about this. Hope someone can give an answer if you already did.

1. Can I use the Courtesy copy (I-767 approval notice)? It says the original one was sent to attorney. But I have not got that one from the lawyer yet.

2. It mentioned to bring I-94 form. Do I need to bring H-1 as well? My concern is the H-1 also has a I-94 form.

It would be greatlly appreciated if any of you can share your experience with me. Like if we need to be prepared to answer any specific question they will ask.

Thanks a lot!

courtesy copy should be ok

With IBIS check time be prepared to wait for a little more time. You are supposed to submit all previous I94s but everything will be trashed by the INS officer. So even if you miss a few does not matter.
U will be in a no- I94- world from then on...
Thanks, Jaxen.

I got passport stamped already. Yes. courtesy copy is OK. And I just gave original I94 withour the one in H1. One thing additional is they also ask for EAD and AP which were not mentioned in courtesy copy. :)