passport renewal


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my pp expires in about 8 months ...with ND in 8/01 am expecting approval it a good idea to renew pp right away or after approval...

appreciate your thoughts
Good to see somebody having so much confidence in TSC!
Most countries will renew passport only within 6 months before expiry. If your country allows passport renewal at this time, there is no harm in doing it now.

I recently renewed my passport, it takes around 2 weeks.
For GC stamping you need to have six months valid passport.

It is better you can do it now, also the stamping you are going to get is valid for 1 year, If you do it later your new passport will not have stamping on it. Though it is not a problem, just an inconvinience.

Renew It, Stamp It, Enjoy It
Does it matter ?

Does it matter in which passport you have the stamp in ? When you renew your passport they also give back the old passport.

passport renewal -- what happens to the visas

thanks for the replies...

What happens to the valid visas on the old passports?
Do i have to transfer them on to my new ones? Or can i use the old passport visa combination for entry?

When you get your new passport, you need to bundle all your passports together when travelling. You can show your visa in your old passport when you need to and any stamping should happen in your new passport. No need to "transfer" any visas between passports, not even sure if you can do that.
well if u r from India and plan to get ur passport renwel in US donot have 2 worry as they stamp the old passport saying that the passport is expired but the visa in it is still valid and staple with the new passport and return both the passports back
hope this helps
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Re: passport renewal -- what happens to the visas

The way it works is for them to issue a visa, your passport has to be valid for at least six months in the future. Then once you get the visa and your passport expires, you should carry both the passports and show the visa in the expired passport to enter the country.

Originally posted by eadstage
thanks for the replies...

What happens to the valid visas on the old passports?
Do i have to transfer them on to my new ones? Or can i use the old passport visa combination for entry?
