Passport renewal


Registered Users (C)
I know this is not the correct place to post this, but can anyone point me to where I can find details about renewal of an Indian passport ? - Any expriences would be valuable, such as time it takes, issues faced etc.

Thanks in advance
You can apply at any Indian consulate in person or by mail. All the details are available at consulates' websites.

Its easy and no hassle. I did that.
Are you on the east/west coast or in between. Depending on that you have to apply to nearest consulate.

Below is the link to the NY office. I am sure you can find links to the others from there. You can apply by mail or in person. I did by mail to NY and got it in 2 weeks. They may sit on it but a phone call (if you get thru) takes care of it.


Please Help


Please help me. I lost my passport. What shoudl I do? I called Indian Consulate in NY. But no reply and sent an email abot this. I have all the necessary documents. But I am not sure about In person or mail.

My Question is, Can send my documnets by mail? I live Atlanta, Ga

Any suggestion :confused: please helpme!!