Passport question.


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Hello! All,
I have been reading trough posts on what docs., to take to the interview and I noticed that a lot of people mention that they need to take passport to interview. My country of origin is the neighbor on the south and I was never asked for passport, I only have to show proff of citizenship and ID. I have been out of the USA on vacation twice and that adds to about 30 days total, and those days are noted on the application. The passport that I own is the one that was stamped when I became permanent resident(residency aquired trough a American citizen). Now my concern is will I have a problem if my passport does not show the times I have been out of USA? Any advise...

Thank you,
All for your advise
Did you mention those times outside USA on your application? Then you should be fine. Otherwise you can always claify this thin when you go for the interview.
lahoritamia said:
Time spent outside USA is noted on the application.

I will be in a similar situation when my interview rolls around. The current passport that I have was issued in early 2000, so all trips outside the U.S. from 2000 through 2006 are well documented. The passport I had prior was stolen in late 1999, so I have no way to proof the trips I made in 1999. I listed all trips during the past five years on the application (1999 thorough 2005). Should the interviewing officer ask for 'definite' proof of my trips in 1999, I will just tell him/her that the previous passport was stolen. End of story.


I hope all goes well for us, and that not having this type of info. will not cause us any harm to our journey. I been waiting for this moment for so long. This will make the other half of my american dream come true :) . Just in case I have my copies of airplane tickets from the dates listed on my application.

Good luck!