passport photos from costco ok ?


Registered Users (C)
I have the 2 inch x 2 inch photos. is that ok ? or did all of u cut them to 35 mm x 35 mm and send ? I hope the regular passport style photos should suffice. pls confirm , sending app tomorrow.
I have the 2 inch x 2 inch photos. is that ok ? or did all of u cut them to 35 mm x 35 mm and send ? I hope the regular passport style photos should suffice. pls confirm , sending app tomorrow.

I took my wife's duppatta and gave it to the guy asking him to change
the white background to light background and took 2x2 and applied
and waiting for approval. Most of the guys do this, actually I took
this advice from one of the forum member .
Photo requirement

I took my wife's duppatta and gave it to the guy asking him to change
the white background to light background and took 2x2 and applied
and waiting for approval. Most of the guys do this, actually I took
this advice from one of the forum member .


How many photographs did you send (including the one pasted on Part A application) per applicant. did you send PART B for each applicant or its ome common for the entire family. I am going to apply shortly and it seems like sending correct picture type and size is a big deal for this application. BTW, where did you submit application for OCI?

How many photographs did you send (including the one pasted on Part A application) per applicant. did you send PART B for each applicant or its ome common for the entire family. I am going to apply shortly and it seems like sending correct picture type and size is a big deal for this application. BTW, where did you submit application for OCI?

Since the application has to be in duplicate, U need 2+3 ( total 5 ) photos
for each person.

since PartB is common for the family , ONLY ONE is enough., Mine was in DC
applied mid march

I checked the website for CGI NY and it mentions that
"You are required to submit the OCI application (Part-A and Part-B) in duplicate. For each of the two applications, an original 35mm X 35mm size color photo ( light colour background , not white background ) without border with front view of person's head and shoulders showing the full face in the middle of the photograph . "

It does not ask for any additional pictures, however, CGI - Chicago ask for 5 pics as you stated and I think San Fransisco asked for total 3, Washington DC also do not ask for any additional pictures. I even printed part A of the application and it does not say anything besides pasting pictures on each part A application. Where did you get information regarding 5 pictures for Washington DC embassy?
I sent 2+3 photographs per applicant. When I received my stamped passposrts and OCI cards 2 unused photos were returned. This is in SFO. So IMO only 3 total photographs are needed.

..another question:

"Date Of Acknowledgment " : do you get something in mail or see the status online after a month after mailing the apps ?